Example sentences of "it [is] not possible [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 It 's not possible really to understand Eastern Europe now unless you know a little bit about its history for the last 150 years . ’
2 In big corporations it is not possible just to fire someone .
3 There is an important methodological point worth discussing here , for Freud points out that it is not possible simply to take what people themselves say are the reasons for the taboos they practise , for if the reasons are unconscious , they will not be able to do this .
4 It is not possible simply to dispense with such tests , because there are occasions , especially when dealing with highly context-bound readings which do not appear in ambiguous sentences , when they are the only practicable way of diagnosing ambiguity .
5 This being the case , it is not possible simply to exclude or , indeed , restrict , liability for the supply of goods which infringe third party intellectual property rights .
6 For example , easements over land are generally precisely identified in the document that set them up and it is not possible simply to remove one without the agreement of the person with the benefit .
7 Defective tiled roofs can produce problems identical to those posed by ageing slate roofs , but because clay plain tiles are necessarily hung on battens ( not every tile is nailed except on very steeply pitched roofs ) and it is not possible simply to apply tiles direct to a boarded surface as in the case of a slate covering , the problem of rotting roofing battens and sarking does not arise in connection with tiling .
8 It is not possible even to outline here the workings of the language .
9 Many issues with which governments have to grapple are so complex that no matter how well-informed the decision-maker , it is not possible confidently to predict all the likely consequences or knock-on effects of any particular decision .
10 I regret that it is not possible separately to identify the money devoted to the range of conditions associated with the menopause from the £225 million spent on medical research last year .
11 It is not possible here to say more about the different types of trust which are commonly created at the present time , nor of the powers and duties of the trustees , nor of the methods of administration .
12 It is not possible here to go into great detail about this complex theory .
13 ’ Again , it is not possible here to do these justice in the space available .
14 It is not possible here to give anything like a complete view of what we can learn from coin designs , and the following discussion will only characterise some of the potential and the pitfalls of using them .
15 It is not possible here to attempt to unravel the many strands of thought and practice that have historically influenced the contemporary curriculum in this way , but it may be useful to refer briefly to some of them before going on to consider the current pattern .
16 It is not possible here to chronicle the many other points included in the Submissions to the Labour Court on behalf of the Bank Assistants .
17 Under the " once-and-for-all " test what matters is that the income can be used to benefit the individual in question in the year of assessment in which it arises , and it does not matter if it is not possible so to apply that income in a subsequent year of assessment .
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