Example sentences of "it [vb mod] hardly [be] say that " in BNC.

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1 But it need hardly be said that voters sometimes disappoint candidates and campaign managers .
2 It need hardly be said that the industrialist of the steam age did not build his own house near the works , as the country factory owners had done .
3 10.3 The Tenant acknowledges that [ its ] obligations under this agreement and the Lease shall not be affected or lessened in any way by the fact that there may now or subsequently exist any Restrictions and the Tenant shall with effect from the Possession Date comply with and indemnify the Landlord in respect of any liability under any Restrictions ( whether made before or after the Possession Date ) save in so far as such liability arises from failure by the Landlord to comply with [ its ] obligations under clause 2.2.2 It need hardly be said that the tenant 's solicitor should make all usual inquiries to ascertain whether any such restrictions exist at the date of the agreement .
4 It can hardly be said that the German Empire contained Prussia .
5 It can hardly be said that his optimism was fully justified , though ironically enough the supply did become more than adequate in most seasons from the middle of the century onwards , when traffic dropped away .
6 But it can hardly be said that the relationship between the two sectors has been as mutually productive as it might be .
7 It can hardly be said that anything very surprising emerges in the pupils ’ criticism of teachers .
8 The last remark could be made of financial problems also , yet , even in these hard times , it can hardly be said that insoluble money problems beset over half the population of Britain .
9 Thus the question remains an open one , and it can hardly be said that the hotel proprietor had put his property to any special or unusually sensitive use .
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