Example sentences of "it [vb mod] also [be] recognise [that] " in BNC.

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1 It should also be recognised that non-standard forms are systematic and not haphazard .
2 It should also be recognised that their progress with reading and writing is likely to be handicapped initially if they come to school with a restricted knowledge and experience of language .
3 It should also be recognised that while this chapter has stressed the view of language as a process , it is nevertheless the case that , at some point , children do reach a level of mastery where it makes sense to describe them as having acquired knowledge of an abstract set of rules which can be used to express meanings .
4 It should also be recognised that the emerging women 's movement of the late 1960s was part of this politicisation process .
5 While idioms and dead metaphors must be distinguished , it should also be recognised that they have certain characteristics in common .
6 It should also be recognised that risk data will normally be only one input into business decisions , and many of the other factors will be essentially qualitative .
7 It must also be recognised that ‘ housing need ’ will vary at different periods of women 's and men 's lives .
8 It will be argued that basically these sentences are semantically deviant ; however , it must also be recognised that it is not possible to disentangle semantics from grammar completely .
9 Nonetheless , it must also be recognised that for some students , especially those of a more retiring nature , the break at 16+ can prove very daunting , hence there is a great need for very close co-operation between a Sixth Form college and its feeder schools .
10 However , it must also be recognised that in most cases when English speakers come across an unfamiliar word , they can pronounce it with the correct stress ( there are exceptions to this , of course ) ; in principle , it should be possible to discover what it is that the English speaker knows and to write in the form of rules .
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