Example sentences of "it [modal v] also [be] argue [that] " in BNC.

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1 It may also be argued that , provided a computer record is sympathetically laid out , it is more readable than many handwritten entries found in registers , where handwriting , variations in content and idiosyncrasies of style may conspire to confuse the reader .
2 It may also be argued that Roman military advances effectively changed the artistic map of Italy .
3 It may also be argued that , as this field is concerned with aspects of the student that are intimately connected with her personality , it would be unethical to attempt systematically to bring about changes .
4 It may also be argued that the user 's strategy adopted for subject searching is a response to the very design of the card dictionary catalogue .
5 It may also be argued that some limits to growth , which Hirsch ( 1977 ) called ‘ social limits ’ , are already operating .
6 It may also be argued that numbering an Information Memorandum shows an intent to control and restrict the circulation and therefore complies with Companies Act 's requirements for prospectuses and the provisions of the FSA .
7 It may also be argued that the negative correlation we have found between breath H 2 exretion and MCTT was due to the lactulose taken with the breakfast .
8 Yet it might also be argued that the major political parties ensured that , despite the attention which Mosley attracted , the fascists were going to be marginalized .
9 It might also be argued that the mandatory life sentence makes a substantial contribution to public safety .
10 It might also be argued that the treatment of language in terms of sentences has been quite successful in revealing how language works , that within the sentence we can establish rules and constraints concerning what is and is not allowed , whereas beyond the sentence , such rules seem either to disintegrate or turn into rules of a different kind — social rules or psychological rules , which are not within the area of linguistic study at all .
11 It might also be argued that despite recent legislation ( some would say because of it ) parent-teacher relations are still too often fraught with fear , suspicion and misunderstanding ; that there is still too much teacher stereotyping of ‘ good ’ and ‘ bad ’ homes and parents ; and that many parents still lack power in relation to their parental rights and responsibilities .
12 From Wright Mills 's position that one does not need to demonstrate directly the existence of the shared ideology and shared objectives , it might also be argued that the corollary is also unnecessary ; that is , that the members ' awareness of the shared ideology is not a necessary condition either .
13 It might also be argued that this provision of free sterile needles might even encourage some drug users to experiment or continue with intravenous use .
14 It might also be argued that it functions as metonymy , in which some element closely associated with the prime function of the whole comes to stand in for it .
15 It might also be argued that the RPF provided de Gaulle with a means of influencing popular and political opinion on critical issues , particularly those relating to foreign affairs .
16 It might also be argued that as an activity and form of visual culture , it is class , gender and culturally specific .
17 It could also be argued that Minton 's large figurative compositions exactly satisfied the Academy 's need to exemplify the continuing relevance of past traditions in modern terms .
18 It could also be argued that the power to tax should be assigned a value in a governmental balance sheet .
19 It could also be argued that the preparation and monitoring of cost targets for trades , work sections or individual sub-contractors should be treated as part of the management accounts .
20 And anyway , it could also be argued that it is the accounting system which is allowing this manipulation ( perhaps even inducing it ) and therefore the accounting system should be modified to prevent it .
21 It could also be argued that we did so despite any better understanding of the essential problem : how do we establish causal relationships between inputs , low-level outputs and ultimate outputs , reliably ?
22 It could also be argued that the increased maximal secretory capacity of smokers is the result of chronic vagal stimulation which enhances acid secretion .
23 It could also be argued that the costs involved in installing and maintaining a marginal costing system is less costly vis-a-vis full costing system .
24 It could also be argued that the doctor was not acting voluntarily .
25 It could also be argued that this would help to build up a body of men with substantial diplomatic experience from which the diplomats of the future might be drawn .
26 It could also be argued that he was the least successful to because the club fell to bottom of the league under his stewardship .
27 It will also be argued that the history of the labour movement , its degree of internal coherence , and its relationship with the state and political parties are significant explanatory factors .
28 It can also be argued that the economists ' justification for aid has never been its real rationale , but that political considerations of strategic security by the donors have conditioned its distribution and nature , in some cases even allowing military support to be classified as aid .
29 It can also be argued that there are many references in the Old Testament to conditions that may well have been syphilis .
30 It can also be argued that the error present in this data , given its crudity , would swamp any of the other data .
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