Example sentences of "it [be] true that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Chairman Michael started off on a nice tripartisan note which er I think we on this side er did appreciate and it 's true that this panel er has agreed a great deal , covered a lot of ground and er I think er avoided the sort of er , er controversy etc. , etc. , was which we 're now caring now we are arranging in practical groups does mean the Labour groups has introduced a sound note er Brian started off by saying that the Conservatives er were not interested in an economic development strategy , er I must point out that and this activity derives from the local government managing act nineteen eighty nine , and by the present Government .
2 It 's true that some women are not keen on erm electing women , but then some men probably are keen on electing women .
3 It 's true that more people are hanging on to their cars and strangel ; y not paying for their servicing .
4 That is not the case , and while it is true that deaf people from different countries can converse with each other better than hearing folk , they all have their own signs and structure .
5 While it is true that scavenging fish and snails perform a valuable task , a well ordered pool can be equally well maintained without them .
6 If it is true that verbal questions primarily engage the left hemisphere while spatial questions tap the functions of the right hemisphere , it might be predicted that responses to such questions will be optimal when the appropriate hemisphere is activated rather than if the opposite hemisphere is aroused .
7 A distinction may be made between full indicators , which retain the whole of their normal constituent meaning , like black — and — bird in blackbird ( it is true that female blackbirds are brown , but black — here still relates to ‘ black ’ , which is a salient characteristic of the species ) , and partial indicators , like — house in greenhouse ( a greenhouse is not a house ; but , like a house , it is a building ) .
8 The communist party should not be banned , it is true that many members of it did support er an coup , on the other hand so many people joined the communist party for advancement and it 's not very democratic to ban a party which has had su such power and such membership .
9 It is true that many films and television programmes are about violence and murder and it does n't take long for children to copy ideas .
10 It is true that many people cling to office , or are permitted to do so , and it is often that barnacle-like permanence which gives committees and boards a sense of dull sameness and an unwillingness to reform .
11 However , it is true that many people have succeeded in shedding weight on them in the past .
12 It is true that many people who are hourly-paid avoid work on a Saturday morning because they feel it costs them money — the total tax for the week exceeding the Saturday pay .
13 It is true that many sociologists of religion have suggested definitions of their subject matter , but there is no clear agreement and it can be argued that if we were to stick to only one definition then we would not be able to ask — let alone answer — some of the questions in which they are interested .
14 ( Nordberg 1980 : 5 ) Certainly it is true that such difficulties emerge particularly with small-scale community studies .
15 It is true that such equipment has a limited intelligence application , but the knowledge that Joe Bloggs uses McDonald 's twice a week is indeed of little value .
16 It is true that such rewriting in unexpected registers has been used by literary writers , particularly in the twentieth century ( James Joyce 's novel Ulysses is a famous example of this ) ; but such experimentation is not a convention of essay-writing in literary studies .
17 It is true that new crops — turnips , parsnips , swedes , mangelwurzels — diversified the landscape and the food supply , especially by keeping herds alive over winter .
18 It is true that other countries managed this , but the situation in Britain was different in two important ways : productivity per man hour was lower in Britain than in other industrial countries and the shift to non-industrial employment was greatest in Britain .
19 It is true that other investigators found further dimensions which they considered important ( such as emotional involvement-calm detachment ) , yet by and large the above two were confirmed by most .
20 Although it is true that European video runs at 25 , US video at 30 and movies worldwide at 24 frames per second , these frame rates are not essential to flicker-free motion .
21 It is true that additional therapy may be necessary to achieve this end , but that therapy alone , without the preliminary understanding afforded by experiences during regression , would be an uphill task and might never work at all .
22 It is true that individual plantations lose these species rapidly once the thicket stage is reached , but other species move in and large areas of plantation often exhibit a variety of growth stages from clear fell to mature trees , which further increases the diversity of birds present .
23 Although he was ready to accept the shortcomings of the Soviet state in its current phase of historical development — " it is true that Soviet society is harsh and that many of its citizens are not philanthropists " — the harshness of Soviet society , however , can in no sense invalidate in Nizan 's eyes the justice of its struggle against the remaining vestiges of the capitalist mentality in the consciousness of the Soviet people .
24 While it is true that working class politics is highly individualistic and subject to the so-called free rider problem , there are many fewer problems for capital .
25 It is true that extensive reviews of research in the United States ( Lipton et al. , 1975 ) and in Britain ( Brody , 1976 ) found it to be generally the case that different penal measures had similarly unimpressive outcomes in terms of re-offending , but they also found examples of reformative programmes which seemed to work to some extent with certain groups of offenders ( see Palmer , 1975 ) .
26 It is true that Freudian theory questions any notion of the original unity of the self .
27 It is true that deconstructive approaches have emerged in American law schools as well as in literature departments .
28 It is true that all polls showed how popular Mr Smith was with voters , and that he is the most experienced and competent man on offer .
29 It is true that all cats share many features of their behaviour , down to the tiniest detail .
30 It is true that one brachiopod — Lingula — is one of the most famous ‘ living fossils ’ .
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