Example sentences of "it [modal v] [adv] [be] conclude [that] " in BNC.

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1 It may thus be concluded that , if the leading terms in the expansions for the functions f and g are given by ( 10.34 ) , then the boundary conditions that are required for the solution to describe colliding plane waves are satisfied if .
2 It should not be concluded that intonation is not important for conveying attitudes .
3 It must not be concluded that the Sahara was well watered in the Pleistocene : it probably had a hot steppe type climate rather than a true desert climate as at present .
4 On the basis of the experimental data it must also be concluded that the adverse entropy contribution to poly ( A+U ) from U-U stacking is relatively small .
5 It must therefore be concluded that the Gürses-Halilsoy extensions are not physically significant .
6 In the collision of plane electromagnetic waves with non-aligned polarization , it must therefore be concluded that the dynamics remains unaltered .
7 The new presumption of guilt is most explicit in the 1985 Wildlife and Countryside Act : ‘ If , in any proceedings for an offence , there is evidence from which it could reasonably be concluded that the accused was digging for a badger , he shall be presumed to have been digging for a badger unless the contrary is shown . ’
8 In accordance with that view , the final conclusion expressed by the Advocate General was that , in the circumstances of the Conforama and Marchandise cases , it could not be concluded that the obstacles created exceeded what was necessary for the attainment of the objective pursued or that they were out of proportion thereto .
9 It could only be concluded that the cause of the intense eye irritation was in some way related to vehicle exhaust emissions .
10 Nonetheless , a substantial degree of agreement has been achieved , not only between different demographic groups , but also between the whole range of approaches , intuitive , statistical and personal preference ( Briggs and France , 1980 ) and it can generally be concluded that good landscapes will have substantial relative relief , a major water body , diverse land use , and some historical artifacts , but will lack modern industry and major transport facilities .
11 It can also be concluded that these Killing-Cauchy horizons are unstable against small but generic perturbations of the initial data and that , in a very precise sense , ‘ generic ’ initial data always produce all-embracing space-like curvature singularities .
12 It can now be concluded that while initially forms of antislavery activity were in considerable part shaped by the struggle against the West Indians , they moved beyond these limits and assumed some of the characteristics of a popular movement .
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