Example sentences of "to be include in [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A provision of this sort does not have to be included in every decision because it may be implied in the issue referred and the underlying contract under which the reference is made .
2 The pace of the talks was slowed by the January 1989 change-over in the US administration ( see pp. 36391-92 ) and by fundamental differences on weapons systems to be included in a treaty as well as on numerical sub-limits on categories of missiles .
3 Until a standard enquiry form is ready for use , local authorities should be asked if the land is to be included in a Register of Contaminated Land .
4 The Companies Act 1985 , as amended ( ‘ the Act' ) provides , both for individual company accounts and for group accounts , that if in special circumstances compliance with any of the provisions of the Act as to the matters to be included in a company 's accounts ( or notes thereto ) is inconsistent with the requirement to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs and profit or loss , the directors shall depart from that provision to the extent necessary to give a true and fair view .
5 An example of accounting policies to be included in a purchase and sale agreement are set out in section 1102.22 .
6 Matthew 's recipes are set to be included in a cookery book being compiled by Sainsbury 's .
7 The only thing they seem to have in common is their isolated nature and striking individuality , and they scream out to be included in a list of favourite miniature mountain gems .
8 This set of objects and events could be taken as a set of elements which would have to be included in a representation of this speaker 's topic , i.e. what he was talking about .
9 Offered prices will not necessarily always cover fixed costs — firms may often sacrifice short run profit maximisation to lead manage or to be included in a deal .
10 Following these moves , it was announced on Jan. 17 that government officials had reached an agreement with the IMF over all measures to be included in a stabilization programme .
11 Grading is a method of achieving a shorthand synthesis of every possible quality that one might wish to be included in a profile , consolidated into a symbol which examiners understand pragmatically with reference to a platonic point of reference existing in the minds of a group of examiners who have worked together , while a profile , however detailed , can never be more than an attempt to put down all those qualities .
12 I made the point earlier that descriptive facts about actual usage do not necessarily determine what is to be included in a language course .
13 Inter alia , the Regulations also specify the information which is to be included in a claim , and they allow for interest to be charged when a provisional repayment proves to be excessive .
14 We were asked by some teachers for a ‘ follow-up session to be included in a Q.T. Day .
15 We were asked by some teachers for a ‘ follow-up session to be included in a Q.T. Day .
16 A statement that causes the rest of the line to be ignored thereby allowing comments to be included in a program .
17 It was a fascinating experience to be included in an exhibition of this sort .
18 You must supply a comment to be included in the modification record of the package header under the COMMENT keyword .
19 You must supply a comment to be included in the modification record of the package header under the COMMENT keyword .
20 The first of these is an intensive examination of the employees of a sample of firms to be included in the core survey .
21 Some of the main features to be included in the January issue
22 We do n't believe that pension rights should be undermined by privatization or by C C T. We agree with motion three seven one but add one qualification the best way to provide protection for members threatened in this way is to force the government to honour its obligations under European law and push for pensions to be included in the regulations .
23 They want all existing large dogs to be included in the provisions of the Dangerous Wild Animals Act and to ban Alsatians , Dobermanns , Rottweilers and other big breeds from future private ownership .
24 The details to be included in the public registers to be established under the bill had yet to be decided but he personally favoured ‘ more information rather than less . ’
25 The first step is to choose the appropriate collection ( or ‘ basket ’ ) of goods and services whose prices are to be included in the calculation .
26 Having decided upon the items to be included in the calculation , the next step is to obtain the monthly price quotations .
27 The premium payable on exercise of the premium put option falls to be included in the calculation of the finance cost for the debt .
28 Where the tenant 's business includes a substantial number of transactions in which he gives credit to his customers the draftsman will have to consider whether the amount of the transaction should be brought into account at the time of the transaction or at the time of payment ; whether interest payments are to be included in the calculation of turnover and whether the tenant is to have an allowance for bad debts .
29 Conversely , where the tenant is likely to give discounts to certain customers ( eg those who pay by credit card , or employees ) , or where he is likely to have sales or special offers , his advisers should attempt to ensure that it is the amount he receives rather than the full retail price which is to be included in the calculation of turnover .
30 A 16-minute tribute to Miles Davis entitled ‘ MD ( Miles Is Alive ) ’ is expected to be included in the film score .
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