Example sentences of "to be directly [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Renton 's suggestion of a further review of its role stems from the feeling in his department that the present system is an administrative duplication , that it does not allow the Minister to determine the policy framework , and that whenever a major funding issue arises the government has in any case to be directly involved at present .
2 Drew claimed , with more than a little documented substantiation , to be directly descended from Peregrine White , the first white man to be born in America .
3 SynOptics Communications Inc has unveiled the first products based on its six-chip Asynchronous Transfer Moder chip set announced last October ( CI No 2,035 ) : the per-port price of the LattisCell switches ranges from under £1,500 to £2,000 , a half to a third of its competitors ' prices , says the company ; the Santa Clara company also has a technology partnership agreement with Sun Microsystems Inc to develop a 155Mbps asynchronous transfer mode SBus adaptor board that will be made and sold by SynOptics , enabling the LattisCell switches to be directly connected to Sparc systems running the Solaris Unix .
4 In Galloway , for example , the reduced breeding performance of golden eagles is considered to be directly related to afforestation due to loss of open moorland which is their main feeding area .
5 The European Legislation Committee has begun to seek and to publish written evidence from specialist bodies likely to be directly affected by Commission proposals .
6 Out of some 50,000,000 deaths worldwide in 1990 46,500,000 were estimated to be directly associated with disease .
7 As well as material to be directly used by pupils , the box could include books and articles that may be helpful to the non-specialist teacher of history .
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