Example sentences of "to be [verb] [prep] a particular " in BNC.

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1 It would have given her an excuse to be searching for a particular room , but she had been so frightened …
2 To judge from the faction of Nationalism Today , there might nowadays be financial or other advantages to be gained from a particular presentation of the conspiracy tradition .
3 Early in the development of the scheme , one of the main areas of debate was the question of the scores to be assigned to a particular factor profile .
4 Boundary setting is used frequently in a variety of situations : the age at which " primary " becomes " secondary " education ; the minimum height for entry into the police force ; the marks to be obtained for a particular grade level in an examination and so on .
5 Historically , British Rail and its predecessors have argued to the House for certain railway lines to be built in a particular way .
6 The Prism encoder enables its output to be optimised for a particular target decoder design to maximise image quality at the lowest possible bit rate so that a video-on-demand service provider can minimise central disk storage and maximise use of the available system bandwidth .
7 Any other section of the community is to be regarded as a particular class of persons . ’
8 The design runs one way along the rug , and needs to be seen from a particular angle for maximum effect .
9 The owners of steelworks would contract with a master craftsman for a particular job to be done at a particular price .
10 A decision to leave what is to be done for a particular child … to the school is not itself , in my judgment , a determination of the special educational provision for the child … which would necessitate the making of a statement .
11 Last week , by coincidence , the Labour leader a man , it is widely believed went out of his way to be pictured with a particular group of parliamentary candidates .
12 Can it be , that when Gandhi refers to morality without religion as being similar to a house built on sand he is simply expressing in a different way his belief in the convertibility of these terms rather than suggesting that morality has to be related to a particular religion ?
13 And in respect of this main concern , it is also to be related to a particular tradition within German thought , which provides us with our starting point : a tradition of theoretical enquiry into the nature of tragedy — Greek tragedy , above all .
14 And this impact is to be achieved in a particular way , i.e. through a ‘ profane illumination ’ brought about through the juxtaposition of two or more seemingly incongruous figures .
15 Unless a watercourse is very small or the pollutant particularly powerful , the natural processes of dilution and purification will often make it very difficult for either proactive or reactive discovery to reveal the existence of pollution soon enough and in sufficient detail for it to be traced to a particular discharger .
16 Bank personal loan Similar to current account loan , but interest rate fixed at start , and even more likely to be earmarked for a particular purchase .
17 In cloze procedure , samples of text selected to be read by a particular reader group ( such as nine-year-olds ) are tested by representatives of that group .
18 The Scottish Development Education Committee turned down a request to fund a ‘ Development for Life ’ course , because it was not felt to be grounded in a particular situation .
19 Peasants came to her to be reminded of a particular tale the details of which they had mislaid in the mists of childhood ; more sophisticated members of the community , less concerned with the tale than the teller , made the journey to Elling in an effort to keep alive a tradition that had died elsewhere .
20 Because of limited resources , efforts were initially to be concentrated on a particular site .
21 The potential will depend on what is transferred ( not just , how advanced ? but also , how compatible ? ) ; and on how it is transferred ( is the end user a resourceful user ? is know-how to accompany hardware ? is the information flow to be continuous ? is the effort to be concentrated in a particular sector or dispersed in dribs and drabs across many ? )
22 by the marriage of the testator , unless it appears from the will that at the time it was made the testator was expecting to be married to a particular person , and that he intended that the will ( or a particular disposition in the will ) should not be revoked by that marriage , and that marriage takes place .
23 The sale is of goods which , by the very description under which they are sold , appear to be sold for a particular purpose .
24 For example , if reform of the offender or reparation are aims to be pursued in a particular case , this introduces a new element of complexity into the reviewing role of the Court of Appeal .
25 Using the special version of the DIM statement to reserve an area of memory is the simplest way for short programs which do not have to be located at a particular memory address .
26 One of the drawbacks of A level is that because it is an examination to be taken at a particular time , namely after two years of study in the sixth form ( there are exceptions to this , but such is the general rule ) it is taken by people who are at very different stages of development , of readiness for the examination , and , above all , of interest in the subject matter .
27 They , like the GCSE and A level , are supposed to be taken at a particular age , at 7 , 11 , and 14 .
28 It is clear that because of the role of the context in all aspects of utterance interpretation , a speaker who intends her utterance to be taken in a particular way must expect it to be interpreted in a context that yields that interpretation .
29 Movies only needed to be social when the plot demanded it , and even if some kind of political crisis had to be depicted in a particular story then the attitude or position adopted by the movie would be less important to audiences than the logic of the plot .
30 Television manufacturers now realise that , with comparative parity between models , consumers are less likely to be drawn towards a particular brand because of its supposed technical superiority or standard of after-sales service .
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