Example sentences of "to [be] carried [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Many of the returnees resisted , and had to be carried on to the aircraft by police amidst scuffles , but officials said that " minimum compulsion " had been used , in contrast to the violence which had marked the only previous forced repatriation attempt in December 1989 [ see p. 37121-22 ] .
2 This will be the case where they are brought under common control or ownership or when one of the enterprises ceases to be carried on as a result of an agreement between the enterprises to prevent competition .
3 You leapt for the cleaner banks and I allowed myself to be carried on by the filth of deceit , of shame , and of a guilt that even now I can not put into public or private words .
4 Meanwhile Home with great determination had been to the hospital in London and obtained Macmillan 's written resignation , which was read to the Conference on Thursday afternoon : ‘ I hope that it will soon be possible for the customary processes of consultation to be carried on within the party about its future leadership . ’
5 The problem was that it was theoretically possible for someone to introduce poison gas into a remote and perhaps unguarded part of the system and for the noxious fumes to be carried through to the General-Secretary 's apartments or office .
6 an over-ambitious agenda which takes too long to complete or has to be carried over to the next meeting .
7 Such attitudes were far removed from the world of the fictional Sir Joseph Bowlem in Dickens 's Chimes short story who boasted ‘ I allow nothing to be carried over into the New Year ; every description of account is settled in this house at the close of the old one ’ , and the real life employee of Manders the Wolverhampton paintmakers who scribbled on the flyleaf of a 1896 catalogue :
8 This policy was to be carried over into the post-independence period .
9 Now , thanks in no small measure to his own contribution to the Hampshire cause , he has one ; and the only disappointment is that the climax of the match was watched by only about 8000 people , as the weather caused it to be carried over into the second day .
10 So therefore you 'd have no liability but you 'd have unused capital allowances to be carried forward to the next year .
11 In fact , the consolidated balance sheet is published for little more than completeness : it gives the net debit balances and net credit balances for the organization to be carried forward to the new financial year .
12 This helps to explain why they do not publish consolidated opening statements : ‘ cost of the services of the organization ’ adds nothing to the fund operating statements ; the measure of performance has no meaning ; and , of course , there are no balances included to be carried forward to the new year which are not included in the balance sheet .
13 Advance corporation tax is to be carried forward to the extent that it is expected to be recovered in the foreseeable future .
14 This linking of two aspects of a teacher 's professionalism would prevent appraisal being regarded as simply a tiresome extra and could , on the positive side , help the process of planning ( West and Bollington 1990:9 — 10 ) : Planning for appraisal … needs to be carried forward in the light of the full range of the demands confronting the particular LEA , the particular school , the particular teacher .
15 She was pipped by reluctant newcomer Jane Lester of Basildon Savacentre who was so doubtful of her abilities that she virtually had to be carried up to the oche .
16 The treatment plan is not equipped to deal effectively with waste of such high chemical toxicity , and so much of it is passed out in the Yellow Creek to be carried away into the Cumberland River , with the result that the creek has become severely polluted .
17 So when we listen to music we should allow ourselves to be carried away into the musical paradise .
18 " It being represented to this meeting that part of the Church yard of Kilnaughtan , facing the South E : or the sea is likely to be carried away by the Blowing of Sand and that several Coffins have been exposed " the meeting appoints a Committee to obtain any estimate for banking .
19 It would be unfair to pretend that , but I do not want my hon. Friend to be carried away by the importance of it .
20 The muse 's intervention occurs after Astrophil appears to be carried away in a violent frenzy , unable to find a fit language to achieve his ends .
21 Those unfortunate enough to be carried away after a crackdown are uncertain whether they will return alive .
22 Here , with no one to meet them , he had to be carried ashore through the icy sea by the captain , more dead from seasickness than alive , to make his wretched way to Glamis , Dundee and — 100 miles [ 160 km ] to the south of Peterhead — Perth , still held by Mar 's troops .
23 He was n't prepared to be carried along with the wave and the various things that he said about Europe were completely right for what he said .
24 This may seem self-evident , but it is not unknown for people to be carried along by the atmosphere of an auction , or the sales patter of a dealer .
25 The basic question at issue in the debate is whether the United Kingdom is to be carried along in the wake of those changes or to be a driving force for change .
26 The overall impression resulting from these findings is that emergency services specifically designed for potential attempters might be of benefit to some , but the impulsive nature of the act , and the fact that the attempt often appears to be carried out with a particular purpose not related to help-seeking , but aimed at someone in close proximity , reduces the chances of preventing suicide attempts by this method alone .
27 This meant that all the necessary development and adjustments for full-scale production had to be carried out with the full involvement of the production workers .
28 With regard to privatisation , the hon. Gentleman must realise that if inspections are to be carried out with the kind of frequency that we have in mind , there has to be a considerable change in the inspection procedure .
29 In the event the money was nothing like enough because the new owners were able to force Ayling to pay for structural work which needed to be carried out to the upper part .
30 The cardboard box would have to be carried out to the van before she came back .
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