Example sentences of "have worked [adv] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As a former tough-tackling centre-back with Stoke , Smith has worked overtime on a City defence that has lost heavily at Millwall and Brentford in the past month .
2 Ruether is a liberation theologian ; indeed she has worked consistently from a liberation perspective in relation to such issues as third world poverty , anti-semitism and militarism .
3 ‘ I took a plumbers apprenticeship when I left school , ’ he said , ‘ But after I 'd worked here for a while , I decided to stay on full time . ’
4 Despite having worked previously as an ethnographer , Bourdieu makes no attempt to employ the ethnographic method in this work , relying instead on a lengthy questionnaire reproduced at the end of the book .
5 The re-union of the Liberals , forced by the action of Stanley Baldwin in calling the 1923 General Election on the issue of protection , seemed to have worked briefly with a revival in the political fortunes of the Liberal Party .
6 We had worked together in a couple of other wards .
7 Yes , Devlin had worked there for a while , but he 'd left three days ago .
8 Like Jos , her brother had worked there as a boy .
9 This leavening of men and women who had worked abroad for a number of years provided a yeast which helped to bring about change within the island .
10 I 've had first hand er experience of the States because I 've worked there for a couple of years .
11 Management grants have worked well on a trial basis in the Peak District , replacing agricultural capital grants and retaining over 70 flower-rich pastures and meadows .
12 The investigators on this project have worked together on a range of industrial and economic development projects in recent years .
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