Example sentences of "have held [noun] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That is why we feel justified in saying that Realism has held sway for the last forty years .
2 Formerly with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office , he has held posts at the British Embassy in Madrid and the Western European department , Whitehall .
3 The current President , Fidel Castro Ruz , has held office since the socialist revolution of January 1959 .
4 Additionally , the peasants would have held lands in the common fields .
5 There is no restriction on age , but nominees must not hold or have held professorships in the British Isles .
6 Something about an Iron Casket that had held secrets of the Ancient Past …
7 ( On Feb. 4 the permanent representative of Zimbabwe , the holder of the Security Council presidency for February , had held talks with the 14 other members to explore their views on the Gulf war . )
8 An ECOWAS delegation had held talks with the Libyan leader , Col. Moamer al Kadhafi , in Tripoli on Nov. 21 .
9 Some of the practices of the colonial state were re-introduced , including corporal punishment , and some of those elected to village councils were rejected on the grounds that they had held positions under the previous regime .
10 Exempted from the new regulations were people who had held citizenship of the pre-1940 independent Estonia and their descendants .
11 Carlos Manuel Castillo , 61 , an economist representing the social democratic National Liberation Party ( PLN ) which had held power for the past eight years , came second with 47.3 per cent .
12 They have held meetings during the past week with potential recruits , although who will take over the chair is not clear .
13 Although the Chinese have held jade in the highest regard for a matter of five thousand years and carried its symbolic use to levels of sophistication far beyond that of other peoples , no natural deposits are yet known from within the ancient limits of their country .
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