Example sentences of "have come [to-vb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A profound historical amnesia has come to settle around the Teds whereby rock-and-roll outrages of the past , together with the magnified excitements that accompanied them , have been smuggled out of sight .
2 And as patients have become more involved in identifying and negotiating areas for learning and behavioural change , the field of investigation has come to borrow from the theories and practice of counselling .
3 The time has come to look at the Treaty of European Union and the philosophy which lies behind it in a little more detail .
4 This is where family work could be useful helping the whole family to understand the part alcohol has come to play in the life of the vulnerable elderly person , the pattern of abuse , the defensiveness about it , and the likely outcome .
5 But this Christmas an invitation had come to celebrate with the Bradfords , and he had found her .
6 She suspected that Mark was thinking of the West Indians who had come to live in the parish and of course that was very right .
7 He had come to lean against the foot of the banisters , looking up at her with a spark of challenge in his eyes .
8 And Melvyn , who had come to complain about the state of arts funding under the Conservatives , joined Alan in an impromptu duet .
9 Shadows were settling thicker , as if great birds had come to perch in the branches overhead .
10 He glanced up to where Merrill had come to stand in the doorway , an amused smile flickering across his sensual mouth , his eyes slightly mocking .
11 There were on the film set few of the moments I had come to dread during the run of the stage show — when he 'd slap me down , or even when he would encourage me , egg me on . ’
12 But the Secretary had come to stay as the hub of the administrative process .
13 In the event , Paris was saved because Galliéni recognized that the moment had come to strike at the Germans when Kluck , wheeling northeast of the city , exposed his right flank to the Sixth Army .
14 Mrs Heaton said : ‘ I certainly did not expect this we had come to look at the architecture . ’
15 She had come to look at the frescos of Sandweg , the frescos that interpreted the story of the Massacre of the Innocents — the slaughter of the male children of Bethlehem at the behest of Herod .
16 ‘ Preston , ’ said Polly , when she came down from putting the twins to bed and in a tone he had come to recognise over the years .
17 In fact , she was on the point of reining in when she saw that Beador had come to rest on the top of the trunk ; he stood there , poised like a trick rider in a circus .
18 The previous year she had amused herself with Greg Farrel , one of the agricultural students who had come to help with the harvest .
19 Sergeant Troy had come to help on the farm .
20 From this tiny house had flowed some at least of the immortal words that the world had come to know as The Pickwick Papers .
21 Representatives of the few people they had come to know in the course of their wanderings round the world were left to clear up .
22 The agricultural system was stable but not stagnant : it had come to depend on the cow , maize , and wheat , sensible rotations and no fallow .
23 For several reasons more people had come to depend on the cash purchase of goods .
24 He had come to think of the attack as a living creature which derived its nourishment from the speed of its progress .
25 A total of 350 visitors ( 97% of all respondents ) replied to question asking them about the way in which they had come to hear of the Library 's exhibitions .
26 That was true in 1987 , but not so true by the early 1990s ; by then governments had come to frown upon the idea of occasional realignments .
27 The Madame lived to the age of 90. when she died , some time in the 1970s , the hotel was left to Abdulrahim , a Nubian from Aswan who had come to work for the Madame as a young boy before the Second World War .
28 This activity has earned the gratitude and , indeed , the respect of hacks such as myself , who have come to rely on the OHE 's booklets and fact sheets and other publications as accurate and marvellously convenient source material .
29 I have come to appreciate over the years , however , that the extra material they provide makes a great safety net .
30 The smaller projects lack the glamour that the American public and politicians have come to associate with the word ‘ space ’ ; and the larger missions are too expensive for NASA operating on a Reagan-sized budget .
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