Example sentences of "have been carried [adv] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 How much unpaid Poll Tax has been carried forward into this year 's budget ?
2 Section 10 of the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 and s.213 of the Insolvency Act 1986 together provide that if in the course of winding up it appears that any business of the company has been carried on with intent to defraud creditors of the company or other persons , or for any fraudulent purpose , the liquidator may apply to the court for a declaration that any persons who were knowingly parties to such fraudulent trading are liable to make such contributions to the company 's assets as the court thinks proper .
3 As we have already discussed , the ancestry of the rose is extremely wide and complicated , and although extraordinary genealogical detective work has been carried out into many family trees , one wonders how it is possible to be sure of the right direction when travelling through the mists and fogs of time , especially during the period before copyright was extended to plants , when secrecy was a safeguard against competition .
4 Restoration work has been carried out on two towers in Surrey .
5 Much online catalogue research has been carried out on outdated , first-generation systems , or on specially developed " toy " systems which do not access real files and are in no way suitable for live use in a library .
6 As a consequence the struggle for Palestine has been carried out on many levels , creating a complexity which even the participants have at times found difficult to follow .
7 Species develop , it is argued , specific forms of innate behaviours and drives which are geared towards survival and reproduction and , while much of this work has been carried out on non-human species , it has indeed been applied directly to the human animal : Desmond Morris 's ‘ naked ape ’ .
8 Most of the research on learning has been carried out on unnatural behaviour patterns , in the laboratory , particularly in two species : rats and pigeons .
9 Very little research has been carried out on domestic wares and it remains far from clear to what extent the domestic and funerary pottery production can be separated .
10 When a research project is written up it will probably not be any grandiose offering ( indeed it will probably be all the better for not being grandiose ) , but if the research has been carried out with scrupulous attention to detail and accuracy and the statement of results does not go beyond the limits justified by the data then a useful craftsmanlike job of work will have been accomplished .
11 Much of the groundwork to date on E-mail and Broadcast — a handy message service — has been carried out at little cost .
12 Considerable research has been carried out since 1973 by the Department of Geology at Cardiff University .
13 This policy has been carried out for some time by the OECD countries , Todorovic claimed , except that there the figure is between 4 and 6 per cent .
14 The drug has been around for the last 20 years , but this is the first time the research has been carried out over such a lengthy period .
15 Programming work has been carried out by one-third of SERC students were/would be doing .
16 A search like this has been carried out by two scientists from Dublin , Neil Porter and Trevor Weekes , using telescopes in Arizona .
17 Even capacity expansion co-operation has been carried out in such a way as to allow substantial continued internal competition and even greater market share changes than occurred in the United States .
18 Research in Scottish geology has been carried out in 21 institutions , but has been concentrated in rather fewer .
19 Significant research has been carried out in this field .
20 Evaluation has been carried out in several different ways , in an attempt to study the value of the innovatory programme , and long-term measurement of the effects of the educational programme has been started .
21 There are also clear indications that although the assassinations may have been carried out by low-ranking army officers the orders came from the military high command .
22 Shaping the garnet could have been carried out by three methods ( Arrhenius 1971 ) .
23 This categorisation could have been carried out in other ways , and other purposes seen here as secondary could have been given greater prominence .
24 The development of a separate manpower policy agency seems to have been carried out with all these motives in minds The University Grants Committee has been seen as serving the second and third purposes .
25 Atrocities were also reported to have been carried out by two militias accompanying the Syrian troops , pro-Syrian Phalangists led by Elie Hobeika , and the Syrian National Socialist Party .
26 The principle , adopted in 1834 , that wages should not be subsidized had been carried forward in social security legislation , but the margin between the income of those in work and those out of work sometimes made the principle of ‘ less eligibility ’ appear under threat .
27 At the time of Leathart 's survey , Taylor 's Level had been carried on for some 210 fathoms , and was then about 35 fathoms short of being below the deepening sump in the floor of Fleming 's .
28 and a large reform had been carried out with little trouble .
29 We readily agreed that the conversion had been carried out with more imagination than we would have been able to bring to it , but could we afford it ?
30 No executions had been carried out since 1984 , and there were currently 287 people in prison waiting for parliament to confirm or commute their death sentences ( mostly handed down in the early 1980s ) .
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