Example sentences of "have been regarded [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Clinton , the new First Lady , has supported the magazine since it was founded in the United States in 1972 , where it has been regarded as a valuable weapon in the campaign for women 's liberation .
2 In so far as NAB has been regarded as an interim arrangement , despite the dropping of the word ‘ Interim ’ from the original title of the main body , questions about its future are bound to arise .
3 In the past , question time has been regarded as an effective method of pressing ministers .
4 In other judicial dicta the exception has been regarded as an independent one .
5 One might call this ‘ applied phonology ’ ; however , the phonological analysis of different languages raises a great number of difficult and interesting theoretical problems , and for a long time the study of phonology ‘ for its own sake ’ has been regarded as an important area of theoretical linguistics .
6 Admittedly , a No from the Bosnian Serbs should not be considered as an unequivocal , irreversible rejection of the peace plan , any more than a Yes should have been regarded as a wholehearted acceptance of it .
7 The right hon. Gentleman , who was a Treasury Minister throughout the lifetime of the Labour Government , will appreciate that figures such as those that I have just disclosed to the House would have been regarded as a complete impossibility in his time .
8 Given recent reductions in the rate of personal taxation , there is now little fiscal benefit to be obtainedthough in any case that should have been regarded as an incidental benefit and not a justification in itself for the establishment of such a company .
9 Some are hazardous : for example , nitrates and radon , which is said to have been regarded as an invigorating tonic in some Italian mineral water .
10 Nevertheless , trade cards seem to have been regarded as an important form of advertising and during the eighteenth century a number of well-known artists were commissioned to design such items .
11 Her life had not been particularly adventurous and at school , where her friend Rosie Fortinbras courted adventure , she had been regarded as a dull girl and a plodding worker .
12 The affair had been regarded as a tragic accident , and Fedorov severely censured for negligence .
13 Until now , the six year-old Kontrax Group had been regarded as a Hungarian success story .
14 This was not , of course , just a Protestant response , although it benefited the Protestants that the great Catholic powers of France and Spain should tear one another apart ; their temporary truce in 1556 had been regarded as a significant reversal to the cause of reform , and when the war was renewed one of the leading English preachers , Christopher Goodman , was to urge the English not to fight for Spain , just as Knox urged the Scots not to fight for France .
15 He was not conscious of having had any contact with a clergyman since school , where religion had been regarded as an unavoidable mixed dose of discipline , cissiness and mild buffoonery .
16 What I am most conscious of is that I have been regarded as a controversial figure : until the age of sixty I was seen either as a subversive or as an enfant terrible .
17 For 200 years City offices have been regarded as a near certain store of value .
18 Official encouragement of the increased use of the language , promotion of a national literacy campaign and provision for the writing of dictionaries and grammars and the development of specialised terminologies for higher education , have been regarded as an important part of Tanzania 's search for a national identity and the enrichment of the lives of its citizens .
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