Example sentences of "have travel [art] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 American Pentecostalism has travelled a long way from its roots in the southern states .
2 It was late in the afternoon now , later than I thought it would be , and shadows were long on the grass before us , so that by the time we 'd travelled the leafy lane to Flanders Hall and had followed the road past the Grange to West Burton village green , it was early evening .
3 Having travelled a reasonable distance into wind ( you did wait three years for a day with a light breeze did n't you ? ) , apply some sideways cyclic to bank the model and start a turn .
4 My grown-up children are on their way to see me , and in order to do so are having to travel a two-hour journey on the motorway .
5 Some had travelled a considerable distance for example from Australia , Germany , Belgium and the USA and were not disappointed by either the welcome or the expertise offered them .
6 All in all , they have travelled a long way since that night when Santos led a nervous band of campesinos , complete with a BBC camera crew , onto Doña Elsa 's cattle ranch .
7 We have travelled a long way from the traditional " dualist " and " monist " views of style outlined in Chapter 1 .
8 We have travelled a long way from the original accelerationist hypothesis as set out in Friedman 's Presidential Address .
9 Truly , we have travelled a long way from the high hopes and higher hyperbole of the 1980s , when inward investment offered a fast-track escape route from a crumbling manufacturing base .
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