Example sentences of "have already been [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Anthony Caro 's ‘ Tower of Discovery ’ has already been erected in a plaza close to the entrance to Expo 's site .
2 The increase of State control which has already been seen as a feature of military organization in this period is also visible where navies are concerned .
3 Taking account of what has already been achieved by a student and breaching the barriers between separate sections of education and training calls for conscious management .
4 This can be taken to mean that the work has already been printed for a limited number of people by private gift or circulation , but has not been published in the sense that it has been offered to the general public .
5 It is very difficult to design a pressed flower picture on to a background material that has already been printed with a design , and if you were to use a floral fabric it might be hard to spot where your picture stops and the print begins .
6 In the course of earlier related research in the context of accounting applications , contact has already been made with a number of UK organisations who are using , or about to use , expert systems .
7 Firm A has already been presented as a dependent for its now of business on maintaining a reputation with its largely immigrant clients .
8 The question of endangerment has already been raised in a more general fashion in Chapter 7.7 .
9 This has already been highlighted in a report commissioned by the Scottish Office which found serious alleged failures in the region 's practices .
10 This has already been highlighted in a report commissioned by the Scottish Office which found serious alleged failures in the region 's practices .
11 This process has already been applied to a severely weathered stone head from Lincoln Cathedral .
12 Retrospective appraisal by clients has already been rejected as a lawyer-influenced criterion .
13 It has already been notified as a Site of Special Scientific Interest ( SSSI ) by English Nature , the statutory adviser to the government on conservation in England .
14 A possible relation between platelet activating factor and gastric acid secretion and platelet activating factor and gastric motility has already been suggested as a physiological phenomenon in the gastrointestinal tract .
15 The RET has already been introduced in a limited way for students who have undertaken units and courses under the new advanced level arrangements .
16 I have it on good authority from a cousin in Stockport , who has a drinking buddy who knows the car park attendant at Altrincham , that my name has already been linked with a managerial post at both Rotherham and Manchester United .
17 David Campese has already been signed on a full-time marketing role and a Farr-Jones will also have a strong role in Channel Ten 's rugby presentations .
18 It has already been used in a few clinical trials in normal volunteers and diabetics .
19 The helpline has already been used by a number of worried officers .
20 This area has already been identified as a priority :
21 As in the case of Cubism , Apollinaire tried to give the word as much of an all-inclusive meaning as possible : ‘ Orphism has already been talked about a great deal .
22 Moving right up to date , Johnny is now signed to Virgin 's Point Blank label , and his first release — titled ‘ Let Me In ’ — has already been nominated for a Grammy award .
23 Some models suggest that the earth has already been committed to a warming of at least 1.5 °C by the current increases in greenhouse gases even though global temperatures have actually risen by only 0.5 °C in the past century .
24 A second new steam engine being built by the Ravenglass and Eskdale for export to Japan , has already been supplied with a new Llanberis multi-tone .
25 The sum of £250,000 has already been allocated to a number of projects , ranging from the purchase of Porthor in North Wales to the restoration of Biddulph Grange Garden where BBC gardening expert Geoff Hamilton accepted a cheque for £20,000 in May .
26 ( Crucible , I notice , has already been shifted to a lower point in the liturgical day , ) But what of the dilemma 's resolution ?
27 Amateur experimental breeding of Cleaner Shrimps has already been mentioned as a good example of a mobile invertebrate which could be chosen .
28 When first setting up a fence it takes time to adjust the three wires at the tackle end so that they are under equal tension ( the far end having already been secured to a strong chain link , which in turn is fastened to its anchorage ) .
29 On the subject of local histories — especially town histories — it is very possible that the ground will have already been explored by a previous researcher and the results of the study published .
30 ( At this point agreement had already been reached on a number of issues , including revised provisions on human rights , environmental protection and birth control measures ; the admission of new members ; and the doubling of the new convention 's duration to 10 years . )
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