Example sentences of "have [been] [verb] [prep] december [adj] " in BNC.

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1 An amnesty for convicts , including about 2,000 political prisoners , has been announced for December 12 .
2 The hearing has been moved from December 14 to January 25 .
3 More than 100 MPs have already signed a Commons Motion asking the Government to reject proposals to change the present 999 system and a Day of Action has been organised for December 8 by the Union of Communication Workers .
4 The next round-table meeting has been set for December 18 .
5 They should have been resolved in December nineteen ninety two because it was decided at that summit that there would be eighteen extra seats for er the then er united Germany .
6 The tape , said to have been recorded in December 1989 — two weeks before the so-called Dianagate recording of a conversation between the Princess and her friend James Gilbey — has not been denied by Buckingham Palace .
7 Investigations had been halted since December 1990 when the Delhi High Court found irregularities in the preliminary charge sheet filed by the Central Bureau of Investigation ( CBI ) .
8 The Prime Minister was also questioned once again about his role in the Recruit-Cosmos scandal which had forced his resignation as Finance Minister in 1988 [ see p. 36463 ] , but about which new questions had been raised in December 1991 .
9 On May 3 , 1990 , Gen. Peter Koch , who had been appointed in December 1989 to oversee the Stasi 's dissolution , committed suicide .
10 Olszewski said that he had approved the retirement because once a civilian Minister of Defence had been appointed in December 1991 — see pp. 38685-86 ] , there was no post suitable for such a high-ranking officer .
11 Similar amnesties had been granted in December 1990 and in May .
12 Previous amnesties had been granted in December 1988 [ see p. 37061 ] and in November 1989 .
13 Described by the authorities as an " informal organization " , the MDU had been formed in December 1989 [ see p. 37124 ] and had subsequently organized a series of peaceful demonstrations in Ulan Bator to press for political and economic reforms , including the introduction of a multi-part system [ see p. 37186 ] .
14 A government-endorsed Moslem organization , the Association of Moslem Intellectuals , had been formed in December 1990 [ see p. 37919 ] .
15 Earlier funding difficulties [ see p. 37583 ] , had been eased in December 1990 with the successful raising of over £560,000,000 through a rights issue in Paris and London .
16 The Socialist Unity Party of Germany-Party of Democratic Socialism ( SED-PDS — as the former ruling SED had been renamed in December 1989 — see p. 37108 ) announced on Feb. 4 that in future it would be known as the Party of Democratic Socialism ( PDS ) .
17 The signature of the agreement had been delayed from December 1989 , partly over the question of East German access to the Schengen area , it being finally agreed that border controls would apply only at East Germany 's borders with Poland and Czechoslovakia and not at the existing inter-German border .
18 Havel , who had been elected in December 1989 to serve in an interim capacity [ see p. 37107 ] , was the sole candidate ; a number of other individuals had been disqualified , not having been nominated by parliamentary deputies , while Stefan Kvietik , nominated by the Slovak National Party , had withdrawn .
19 An agreement to carve a semi-autonomous Inuit territory out of the eastern half of the Territories had been reached in December 1991 [ see p. 38669 ] .
20 Their last child , John , had been born in December 1167 .
21 An earlier military agreement ( the Sofia Document ) , also aimed at strengthening confidence and security , had been signed in December 1991 .
22 The treaty , first proposed in 1985 , had been signed in December 1988 by the then Prime Ministers , Rajiv Gandhi of India and Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan [ see p. 36485 ] .
23 Formal diplomatic relations had been re-established in December 1989 [ see p. 37137 ] .
24 The pilot , holder of a Taiwan passport , had been arrested in December 1991 while visiting family in Qingdao , Shandong Province .
25 Mielke had been arrested in December 1989 [ see p. 37107 ] but then released on health grounds .
26 They had been arrested in December 1972 and , as a result , did not come under the ‘ Diplock ’ innovations and the more stringent Northern Ireland ( Emergency Provisions ) Act , both of which were to come into force in the following year .
27 Pettersson had been arrested in December 1988 and sentenced to life imprisonment in July 1989 [ see pp. 36742 ; 36823 ] , but had been acquitted on appeal in October [ see p. 37160 ] .
28 French and British construction workers on May 22 linked the northbound rail tunnel of the Channel Tunnel , 50 metres under the seabed ; the smaller service tunnel had been linked in December 1990 , and the southbound rail tunnel was due to be linked on June 24 , with the tunnel as a whole due to be completed by June 1993 .
29 Halford had made nine unsuccessful applications for promotion to deputy chief constable and had been suspended in December 1990 .
30 The visit had been postponed from December 1991 , apparently because Syria had failed to act on France 's December 1988 request for the extradition of the condemned Nazi war criminal Aloïs Brunner [ see pp. 36414 ; 38695 ] .
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