Example sentences of "have [vb pp] themselves in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Or worse : they might have found themselves in a tit-for-tat war with DeVore 's lieutenants .
2 Having put themselves in an extraordinary environment , which nevertheless feels so homely and ordinary , the members occasionally come into contact with wider , more powerful and less homely influences .
3 Had it not been for the psychic tracer , they must surely have lost themselves in the labyrinthine entrails of what was not one vessel but many , some of these enormous in their own right .
4 Only the Japanese — at 8,000 the largest single contingent in the initial force — were reported to have conducted themselves in an honourable fashion .
5 Such men and women were only permitted to enter the Temple after they had purified themselves in a special ritual bath , a specifically constructed natural gathering of water .
6 He hopes the meeting will help him and like-minded clergy who 've found themselves in a religious dilemma .
7 On the night the piece was shown in August 1990 , and the following day , Thames Television ran a Help Line staffed by experienced money advisers for viewers who had found themselves in the same situation as Sue and Tony .
8 He said that leadership had been shown and the members had conducted themselves in a disciplined manner with pride and dignity .
9 One day everyone was laughing and singing in the Delhi gardens , covering each other with pink powder and coloured Holi-water ; the next they had imprisoned themselves in the silent air-conditioned purdah of their bedrooms and offices , waiting patiently for the reprieve of evening .
10 Indeed , successful environmental scanning draws attention to possible changes and events well before they have revealed themselves in a discernible manner .
11 These were articulate people , perhaps better able to deal with the press and media than some other families who have found themselves in the same position .
12 Many foreign brands have established themselves in the former Soviet Union for the sake of the publicity , but Baskin-Robbins becomes one of the few to commit themselves to manufacturing there .
13 From Eddie Murphy to Richard Pryor , black American comedians have established themselves in the comic maintstream .
14 In addition , 25% have managed only one issue in the relevant period , and no less than 38% have been in the top 50 for less than four years , excluding those who have established themselves in the last four years .
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