Example sentences of "have [verb] [prep] [art] second half " in BNC.

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1 In the years following the violence of the Mexican revolution , great attention was paid to the content of education , in an attempt to involve the young in the principles of the revolution , but this emphasis has declined in the second half of the century .
2 It is a late-third to mid-fourth century group and none of the vessels need have belonged to the second half of the fourth century .
3 Less than a week ago , he said that this congress would strip the party of its ideology and change its name , but it now looks likely that he will have to settle for the second half of the forecast .
4 Each party to the conference , including the Palestinian representation , was understood to have received during the second half of October a separate " letter of assurances ' from the US government .
5 A fall in urban rent values can also be seen in Oxford , although the evidence cited is less comprehensive than that for York , and the most drastic fall seems to have come in the second half of the fifteenth century after a period of relative stability .
6 However , the acceleration in the rate of decline which appears to have occurred in the second half of the 1960s has been lessened by the payment of investment grants . ’
7 The returns also show how far those surnames which are peculiarly local in origin had ramified by the second half of the seventeenth century .
8 Alexander I had decided in the second half of 1825 that the international problems which derived from the conflict between Greeks and Turks could not be resolved by the Concert of Europe .
9 But it warned that trading conditions had deteriorated in the second half of last year .
10 The windmill was sited near the school , but it had disappeared by the second half of the 18th century .
11 The expansion of learning , which had started in the second half of the fifteenth century , now began to attract Royal attention .
12 The form that literary studies had taken during the second half of the nineteenth century , positivism , was , as we saw in the Introduction , largely based on the genetic approach ; critics , or rather scholars , concentrated their energies on uncovering the sources and genesis of particular works , and the role of biography , history and history of ideas in these genetic studies obviously reduced the importance of literature itself in literary scholarship .
13 Well Charlton had to improve in the second half , and they did ; they got more men into mid-field , and United began to run out of a little bit of steam .
14 The Fund 's 1990 edition of Primary Commodities : Market Developments and Outlook confirmed that non-fuel commodity prices had declined in the second half of 1989 .
15 Bryan Wilson ( 1970 ) has contributed some very useful sub-divisions of the sect category and various sociologists have tried to classify the new religions that have emerged during the second half of the present century in an attempt to find some order in the enormous variety of beliefs , practices and organisations that are manifested in these movements ( eg Beckford , 1985 ; Wallis , 1983 ) .
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