Example sentences of "have [verb] [art] better [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 BRITISH Rail has promised a better deal for Teesside travellers .
2 BRITISH Rail has promised a better deal for passengers with a new timetable shake-up to take effect from May .
3 If it were not , you may be sure that I would have arranged a better climate for the Brits than the Lord has seen fit to give them . ’
4 As for John Smith , he could not have had a better target for his Commons debut as Labour leader …
5 However , there are no easy solutions to the problems of an area such as the Highlands within the constraints of the existing national economic structure , and there is no certainty that small-scale industries would have provided a better base for employment growth .
6 ah , ah they 've got a better crowd for that day ai n't they dad ?
7 ah , ah they 've got a better crowd for that day ai n't they dad ?
8 I mean , what we 're trying to do in the visual arts is to spend what limited money we have to produce a better situation for the visual artist and for the public who gets pleasure and enlightenment from visual arts than exists at the moment , so rather than just prop up the status quo , which is what is would be very easy to do if one just kept the pot boiling so to speak by giving a few grants to artists here and sitting at the centre of a spider 's web in Tunbridge Wells waiting for applications to come in to us and then responding .
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