Example sentences of "of the past few [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is necessary to cut through the confusion and to attack the mess of local government finance which is the legacy of the past few years of Conservative rule .
2 I advise him and others to be extremely reticent in proceeding to the supposedly automatic system of introducing guillotine motions , especially after our experience of the past few years under the Government .
3 This interest has now received a further stimulus from the events of the past few years in Europe .
4 Alison escaped with only aches and pains from an accident which could easily have claimed her life … now she hopes she can put all the anxiety of the past few months behind her .
5 The prince has come in for a lot of criticism from the UN and the West for spending most of the past few months in China .
6 The drama of the past few days in Kabul has highlighted the two central problems of modern Afghanistan : one is the difficulty of finding a balance between the dominant Pathans and the array of other ethnic groups , Tajiks , Uzbeks , Hazaras and others who occupy the northern and western parts of the country ; the other is the tension between modernising élites in Kabul and the largely tribal rural population .
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