Example sentences of "of [art] [noun sg] paid [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It should be noted that the figure of twenty three thousand eight hundred and six pounds which Mr had had taken is the cost of the carer paid on the basis of quote , proscript charges , unquote , advocated by the defendant 's expert Mrs and not the British Nursing Agency charges , advocated by the plaintiff 's expert Mrs .
2 From that figure was deducted the amount ( £25 ) of the deposit paid by the original buyer .
3 Because the full amount of the price for the shares is deemed to be a capital receipt in each shareholder 's hands , the shareholder is not entitled to an ACT credit in respect of the ACT paid by the company .
4 The amount of the distribution element will be taxed as income under Schedule F in the normal way and the shareholder will be entitled to a tax credit in respect of the ACT paid by the company .
5 Junkies have always accepted constipation as part of the price paid for the ‘ high ’ offered by opiate drugs like heroin .
6 On the Master of the Roll 's reasoning it would appear to me as if nothing can preserve the true character and origin and parentage of the income paid to the beneficiaries through their bankers unless that be done by lodging with those bankers the dividends , share warrants and the like received by the trustees but not cashed .
7 I should record that Woolwich also sought recovery of the money paid to the revenue on the alternative ground of compulsion .
8 There is no allegation that any part of the money paid by the investors for the Euramco shares was paid to or received by the solicitors .
9 The commission was paid on a reducing basis so a substantial amount of commission was paid in respect of the premium paid in the first policy year and a lower commission in subsequent years up to the tenth year .
10 Given that the police are essentially an organization constrained by an ingrained respect for the pragmatism of action — regardless of the lip-service paid to the police college , the ‘ special course ’ , or the university scholarship — it was inevitable that the hierarchy would follow the dictates of institutional philosophy and pull the marginal mover in from the periphery ; for there is a boundary beyond which the pilgrim can not be allowed to stray .
11 Moreover , the proportion of the tax paid by the richest tax-payers is greatest when the top rate is lowest .
12 Under the present law charities benefit through receiving refunds of the tax paid by the donors , which increases the individual gift by 30% or more .
13 This will therefore include a proportion of the amount paid to the director by S1 , whether or not it is actually included in the management charge .
14 Where an independent surveyor is used , he is paid by the society but the society retains part of the amount paid by the borrowing member to cover the costs of its administration .
15 The crisis grew out of the attention paid by the media of both countries to the bestselling book Notre Ami le Roi , written by French author Gilles Perrault , which detailed notorious scandals under Hassan 's reign and concentrated in particular on human rights abuses .
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