Example sentences of "be estimated [that] [art] [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is estimated that the present net movement along the fault involves an average of 40 mm a- of transform motion and about 22 mm a- of orthogonal convergence ( Fig.3.29 ) .
2 In 1991 it is estimated that the young elderly represent 56% of all elderly persons , and further proportionate falls are anticipated .
3 Sixty per cent of the ships carry oil or oil derivatives , natural gas , chemicals or nuclear waste and it is estimated that an additional 75 million tonnes of oil would pass through the Bosphorus each year " the equivalent of four supertankers a day " if oil from Azerbaijan 's oil fields was pumped to a Black Sea port for onward shipment .
4 By 1907 it was estimated that the average daily attendance in the city 's nickelodeons was 100,000 and very naturally local politicians , reformers , and social workers were anxious to assess the significance of this statistic .
5 It was estimated that the co-ordinated European Community and Italian relief efforts would keep Albania supplied with bread-making grain until the end of January 1992 .
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