Example sentences of "be closed [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There the rooms were filled with ancient furniture , preserved under white sheets , as if the house had been closed up for the summer only , while its occupant was absent .
2 Is the Minister aware that , by 9 January , Bir Zeit university will have been closed continuously for a period of four years and that a generation of young Palestinians will have been denied the right to higher education , which is surely one of the basic fundamental human rights ?
3 One day I went to the swimming pool which had been closed earlier in the year after a near miss by a Tomahawk missile .
4 Having been closed out of the Pentium/NT market until the chip appears , Corollary Inc is back dusting off its 80486/Unix technology and enhancing its Cbus 1 product , making it meaningful for 486DX2s , adding 1Mb of cache at each CPU and going with the latest symmetric APICs .
5 Hundreds of teachers and academics have been murdered , the UES has been closed down on a number of occasions by the army and the UCA subjected to bomb attacks .
6 Some of the branch lines had been closed down in the Beeching fifties .
7 The second reactor at the Ignalina nuclear power station has been closed down after a leak of radioactive steam .
8 Some streets which had been closed off during the intifada would be gradually re-opened .
9 We could be closed out of a lot of markets if we do n't employ environmentally sound principles . ’
10 Even so , such crowds gathered that in parts of Lower Bavaria and the upper Palatinate halls reserved for the ceremonies were overfilled and had to be closed off by the police .
11 Forester 's fear was not so much that the room might not have been available , but that if Hennessy had moved out the hotel might be closed down for the off-season altogether .
12 My maternal grandmother was living with us at the time , it having been decided that her flat in Highgate should be closed down for the duration of the war , and she circulated between the homes of her son and three daughters so that she could be looked after .
13 ZEBRA Parallel , a start-up company based on Alvey research at the Polytechnic of Central London , is to be closed down with the loss of eight jobs .
14 They 're the only people who can keep anything open out in the sand , and not be closed down by the gangcults .
15 Children were out playing in the schoolyards , shouting and enjoying the sunshine ; shops were closed up for the dinner hour .
16 The London theatres , which had for so long been a particular thorn in the side of Puritan moralists such as William Prynne , were closed down at the outbreak of the civil war and remained shut until the Restoration .
17 So , for example , many of the nurseries opened during the Second World War were closed down after the war .
18 All radio stations were closed down by the mutineers ; several ministers , including the Prime Minister , were reported to have been arrested and others were seeking asylum in foreign embassies .
19 The roadway is closed to traffic by a turnpike , then , underneath a kind of Bridge of Sighs connecting the main block with the buildings attached to the Arch , it is closed again by a set of ornamental gates — and then closed for a third time by another turnpike .
20 The complex is closed down as a safety precaution whenever gales of more than 80mph are forecast .
21 However , in another , crucial sense it is closed off from the world .
22 Compositional autonomy is closed off in the sphere of avant-garde negation , while commodity musical production takes on an increasingly standardized character , coupling formula and fetishized effect in both ‘ serious ’ and ‘ popular ’ markets .
23 The campus was closed indefinitely by the authorities .
24 Press restrictions were imposed ( but quickly lifted ) and the weekly current affairs magazine Caretas was closed down for a time , commentators thereby inferring that the chief target of the coup was APRA .
25 Outside , Baker Street was closed down for the weekend except for the Barracuda Club , which had taken over from the original School Dinners restaurant after it moved across the road to usurp the No. 34 Wine Bar .
26 Their own staff had become acutely discontented — they were understaffed and overworked , and after the hype was all over Oxford DHSS was closed down by a strike lasting two months against understaffing .
27 Four months after this article was written the unit focusing on girls and young women was closed down by the management of the national organization , and we all lost our jobs .
28 In the early 1970s the local firm that had been producing soap since 1943 was closed down by the action of its major shareholder , who also owned an import agency .
29 The so called Sling-shot lift was closed down after the accident .
30 To protect the scene , the park was closed off to the public for much of the day but has since been re-opened .
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