Example sentences of "be suggested [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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31 A more fundamental reason for the failure of these control bodies is suggested by the Spanish case : they can only operate effectively in a propitious political environment .
32 A possible explanation for this is suggested by the secondary case study ( West , Chapter 3 in this volume ) where it was reported that there were indications that heads of departments and years tended to bear the brunt of the review activities .
33 A real deformation of values is suggested by the common use of such terms as ‘ productive scholars ' ’ and ‘ ‘ scholarly output' ’ . '
34 If washing can be repetitious in this way , a counterbalancing image is suggested by the next quotation from the interview with a supermarket manager 's wife :
35 This is suggested by the very vehemence of the speeches and the fact that they always contained prolonged and strident calls on Cuban nationalism ( which certainly was a strong popular sentiment ) .
36 However , rehabilitation has made rather more significant inroads than is suggested by the formal description of the system .
37 The simplest way of dealing with the whole business is suggested by the main features of electoral practice in Finland .
38 Such manuals as there were may have been more bland and technical than is suggested by the antique illustrations reproduced by Smith ( 1969 , pI .
39 That more than one source for the crystal was involved is suggested by the differing distributions and the manner in which few cemeteries contain both beads and spheres .
40 This is suggested by the widespread occurrence in southern Africa of thick dolerite intrusions which are contemporaneous with the Karoo flood basalts and which themselves have created significant thickening of the sedimentary sequences into which they are intruded .
41 The reality of the ethnic situation is suggested by the folding map accompanying B.O. Dolgikh 's study , based upon official contemporary records of tribute-exaction , of the clan and tribal composition of the peoples of Siberia in the seventeenth century .
42 If the origin of life were a much more probable event than is suggested by the Solar System Number we should expect , by now , to have encountered extraterrestrial life , if not in ( whatever passes for ) the flesh , at least by radio .
43 Two classroom periods per episode are suggested in the main plan .
44 The policy-making group meets to set the time-scale , to plan the introductory sessions and to agree the questions to form the basis of discussions ; some are suggested in the next section .
45 Various ideas had been suggested to the two Germanies to try to resolve the problem .
46 A few ‘ meanings ’ have been suggested for the five tones that have been introduced , but each tone may have many more such meanings .
47 Specific topics being addressed are those which have been suggested as a possible legacy of the dispute , such as irreconcilable bitterness between former working and former striking miners and their families in a ‘ split ’ community ; permanent disaffection from the police and from the institutions of legal and political authority as a whole as a result of experiences within striking communities ; and changing family relationships as a result of the mobilization of women during the dispute .
48 A reduction in suitable nest sites has been suggested as a possible cause , and a breeding survey of cliff-nesting Herring Gulls and Rock Pipits conducted in 1965 tends to confirm this idea .
49 Degeneration of intrinsic enteric neurones has also been suggested as a possible cause , but it might be the secondary result of long lasting bowel distension and laxative abuse .
50 Because PBC is felt to reflect immune dysfunction and autoimmunity has been suggested as a possible cause of primary PHT , it is possible that the two conditions are causally associated .
51 One month has been suggested as a possible suspension period .
52 Job-related performance testing , such as use of flight simulators to check the condition of pilots , has been suggested as a preferable substitute for the drug hunt .
53 A possible relation between platelet activating factor and gastric acid secretion and platelet activating factor and gastric motility has already been suggested as a physiological phenomenon in the gastrointestinal tract .
54 Ketotifen has recently been suggested as a new treatment for maintaining remission and preventing relapse .
55 Antioch in Syria has been suggested as a likely place .
56 Dilatation , rather than surgery , has therefore been suggested as the primary treatment for most of these patients .
57 Hospital ethical committees have been suggested as an independent source of advice to doctors and families to the most appropriate decision , but Prof McLean said their conclusions would have no legal standing and could be challenged .
58 This contrast may , of course , reflect to some degree the personal inclinations of the authors : it has been suggested in the previous chapter , for example , that Taskopruzade 's interests tended to the antiquarian , which would make him all the more likely to emphasize the old virtues of piety and learning .
59 It is perhaps possible that they might fail to mention that a purely functional muftilik had been made an for Hizir Bey ; but it seems unlikely in the extreme that they should fail to mention his having held a post which , as has been suggested in the previous chapter , was already one of great prestige and which , by Taskopruzade 's time less than a century later , was certainly one of considerable power .
60 Also as has been suggested in the Non-Statutory Guidance for history from the National Curriculum Council pupils could be given a selection of materials in a scissor and paste exercise to design a poster explaining why French people wanted a revolution in 1789 .
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