Example sentences of "be prepared [to-vb] [pron] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You need to control the carrot and the stick , and only use them when you are prepared to put them into action .
2 It was his passionate conviction that sarvodaya , which might be regarded as a practical expression of Truth , could only be effected by means of ahi sā , and the votary of ahi sā would be prepared to sacrifice himself in order to realize this ideal .
3 The true citizen must be ‘ able to understand the interests of the community , must be able to subordinate his own will to the general will , must feel his responsibility to the community and be prepared to serve it by voting , working , or ( if need be ) fighting ’ .
4 If your interception angle is over 30° , then be prepared to reduce it to 30° ( plus drift ) , when the QDMs indicate that you are 10° to 15° off track .
5 The jury will be ‘ death qualified ’ ( in the case of Alabama capital law ) : all jurors have to believe in capital punishment , and be prepared to sentence someone to death .
6 Keep receipts for things you buy abroad and be prepared to show them to customs .
7 Initially what we should all do is go back and look at those draft guidelines for the registration of nursing homes and be prepared to pull them to pieces , not so much for what they are saying but for what they are not saying and ought to be saying in order to be relevant .
8 Julian Bailey , despite failing to qualify his Lotus 102B at Phoenix , is understood to be prepared to commit himself to Lotus for the entire season — if Martin Donnelly is n't fit enough to race — backed by a personal investment of up to £75,000 , earned during two years with the Group C Nissan team .
9 You must be prepared to offer plenty of reassurance , therefore , at all stages in the process .
10 His rule had managed to alienate most of the traditional elites in both town and countryside , and few people were prepared to stir themselves on James 's behalf when the crisis came .
11 In practically every case the publishers were prepared to supply me with information which was not generally made public .
12 For justification , and the very baptism which is its outward symbol , means dying with Christ and rising again ; dying to the old sinful ways , and being prepared to see them as characteristics of the unregenerate nature that was dealt with on the cross by Jesus and must be kept there .
13 Whereas a strategy of incorporation can be relatively successful when applied by a regime of right-wing orientation which is prepared to support it with repression , it has proved to be ineffective for leftist groups which claim to be advancing the interests of the working class .
14 Abortion usually provides the last chance for a woman to opt not to have a child ( unless she is prepared to offer it for adoption ) either for social reasons or because the fetus is in some way malformed .
15 The first part of the provision may not therefore be wholly effective in any event and the question is whether the tenant is prepared to accept it in return for a concession from the landlord elsewhere in the lease .
16 Be prepared to centre yourself in revery , to give yourself up to your memories just as your sleeping self gives itself up to a dream .
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