Example sentences of "be carried out [v-ing] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Few studies have been carried out assessing the effect of vitamin supplementation on adenomatous polyps or colorectal cancer .
2 Please ensure that in future , if any planned power supply work is to be carried out affecting the supply to the computer room , I am informed well in advance , so that I can make arrangements to safeguard the file-servers and inform users .
3 In a similar , but more localised manner , some education authorities which carry out ‘ blanket ’ testing , or testing a sizeable sample of the junior school population , have introduced items which must be carried out using a calculator .
4 Since the task of benchmarking one job against another is essentially based on statistical and mathematical techniques , the process of job evaluation could soon be carried out using a microcomputer at a fraction of the cost of the time-honoured method .
5 For instance , annual sales forecasting for a manufacturing activity undertaking a wide variety of large complex engineering work on a unit and small batch basis may be carried out using a combination of queuing , scheduling and inventory based methods .
6 The research on the European volunteer scheme will be carried out using a number of primary and documentary sources , in particular key government papers , held in the Public Record Office.Trade union reports , reports of voluntary organisations and of international organizations involved in resettling the refugees will also be consulted .
7 The survey will be carried out using a questionnaire in interviews with about a hundred MPs , chosen to represent the main grouping within parties , and ten Peers who have shown interest in welfare issues .
8 It was decided that the three cars would be fumigated with Methyl Bromide to eradicate the infestation , and that this work would be carried out using the fumigation bubble .
9 Unless any cash payment is passing which is required by the husband for the purchase of another property , a contract would appear to be unnecessary and is certainly not required if the transaction is to be carried out following a court order ( whether by consent or otherwise ) as application can always be made to the court for the terms of the order to be carried out ( see Chapter 8 ) .
10 Sequencing reactions were carried out using a Sequenase kit ( USB ) with a non-biotinylated primer .
11 The first experimental investigations of the linguistic units involved in sentence perception were carried out using the click paradigm .
12 Transformations were carried out using the CaCl 2 /heat shock method [ 20 ] .
13 Four projects are currently being carried out using the survey
14 If disinfection is carried out using a disinfectant there must be sufficient time for the chemical to take effect , namely the contact time , plus a small safety margin after which surfaces must be dried .
15 Note : Ensure that the requirements of the CFM are met such that sufficient work is carried out covering the period from the issue of a draft until the report is finalised .
16 Some analysis was carried out using the ORACLE databases prior to 1988 , and a limited amount was possible for a short period thereafter .
17 A similar investigation was carried out using the trigram versions of these equations ( Table 4.10 ) .
18 A nonredundant search of protein databases was carried out using the BLAST Network Service at the National Center for Biotechnology Information ( 28 ) .
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