Example sentences of "be paid to the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The basic point is that although our focus of attention is legal control of government , a proper understanding of the role of the law in controlling government activity requires attention to be paid to the total picture of public accountability .
2 Now the debt charges would have to be paid to the long-term creditor .
3 Due attention will be paid to the ongoing debate on the role and capacity of the State in Latin America .
4 When speaking the drill sentence , equal attention should be paid to the verbal context and to the attitude expressed .
5 Particular attention will be paid to the recent employment record and other current employment practices of the establishments concerned , to their industrial relations situation and recent record , and to their background characteristics such as size , industry , ownership etc .
6 This fee , which includes the fee to be paid to the foreign bank , is added to the value of the transaction when we convert it into sterling .
7 Drawings are not in scale , being made to a convenient and similar size , so particular attention should be paid to the accompanying bar scales .
8 The money will be paid to the French government and to the villages affected by the spill .
9 Particular attention should be paid to the double row , to hay lying in the shadow of trees and hedges , and to the inevitable lumps at the corners .
10 In addition to these penalties the amount of any gift , loan , fee or reward may be directed to be paid to the public body .
11 For such a beginning writer in such a situation , it may well turn out that a minor master like Landor is more fruitfully instructive than a major master like Milton or Keats : and if it does turn out so , one has a certain debt of honour that must be paid to the past master by whom one was liberated .
12 Paisley reacted quickly by calling a rally in the Ulster Hall and then leading a march to the City Hall to protest ‘ at the lying eulogies now being paid to the Roman antichrist by non-Romanist Church leaders in defiance of their own historic creeds ’ .
13 Particular concern surrounded US complaints over the EC subsidies being paid to the European Airbus project — a joint development by France , Germany , Spain and the UK .
14 With the growth of powerful micro-systems , and of sophisticated networking capabilities , particular attention is understandably being paid to the relative degree of centralisation versus distribution of resources .
15 How much would it cost if fair compensation were paid to the standard rate taxpayer each year if that were to be done ?
16 When so much attention is paid to the vast power of multinational companies , it is perhaps wise to think of the numbers of international names that have disappeared from the scene , even during our own lifetime .
17 In addition , more attention is paid to the socioeconomic structure of farming and in particular the greater reliance of hill farming on government and EEC grant aid and subsidies .
18 In some modern classical ballets too little attention is paid to the momentary holding of a pose as the focus of a picture to sum up — as it were — what has gone before .
19 Thus no attention is paid to the immense variety of types within the modes ( figured bass as against Wagnerian orchestral score , for example ; or esoteric ritual song , in which accurate memory is vital , as against collective-variative improvisation of epic ) ; or to the fact that many musical practices overreach the extent of a mode ( thus , improvisation remained important in much notated European music until the middle of the nineteenth century ; studio-based musicians quite often use forms of notation , when it suits their purposes ) .
20 Whilst it is true that the deposit is paid to the original payee because it is security for the performance of contractual obligations assumed throughout the term by the payer and because the payee is the party to whom the contract is entered into , it is , in their Lordships ' view , more realistic to regard the obligation as one entered into with the landlord qua payee rather than qua landlord …
21 Considerable attention is paid to the linguistic knowledge and skills required of teachers , and the ways in which these can best be learnt .
22 He also ordered that costs be paid to the Australian Federation of Consumer Organisations on an indemnity basis .
23 Some grants are paid directly to the developer ; others are paid to the local authority or other public body .
24 To ensure that income tax and national insurance contributions ( including employer 's contributions ) are paid to the local inspector of taxes .
25 The problem can be very acute where a UK intermediate holding company holds shares in foreign companies , and dividends are paid to the foreign parent .
26 Most attention has been paid to the nervous control of motor activity in respiration , walking , flight , stridulation and mating behaviour .
27 Yet in spite of significant debates , both within and between Marxism and pluralism , very little attention has been paid to the patriarchal nature of the state .
28 The Woolwich Equitable Building Society was entitled as of right to interest on the repayment of a capital sum that had been paid to the Inland Revenue pursuant to Regulations that were ultra vires and void .
29 Given the revival of interest in local radio and the fact that this is occurring within a general context of economic and financial difficulty in the country as a whole , it is rather surprising that so little attention has been paid to the potential role of radio in contributing to local economic development .
30 In this respect particular attention has been paid to the giant gas planets like Jupiter and Saturn .
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