Example sentences of "be brought [adv prt] [prep] [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Grace had been brought up in a very religious household and she maintained strict standards for herself but , she says , ‘ was not allowed to check or discipline John in any way ’ .
2 She had been brought up in the most isolated of spots — although , perhaps , because of its very isolation and Granny Tremayne 's aloofness , she had simply known about , but not exactly experienced , communal village life .
3 If William and Harry were to be brought up in the rather stiff and formal atmosphere of the Palace after suffering the trauma of their parents ' splitting up , they would hardly end up as the secure , well-balanced people the Queen hopes will succeed her .
4 Nonetheless the 1991–92 figure clearly needed to be brought back to a more affordable level , and during the ‘ star chamber ’ exercise in the spring to which referred last year , the contract with Westminster Strategy ( our PR consultants ) was renegotiated , and the budgeted figure for the current year has been reduced to £170,000 .
5 An increase in the real money supply can be brought about by the far more direct route of central bank intervention to increase the nominal stock of money by an amount sufficient to attain full employment .
6 Other , more local , axes in , for example , Northumberland , have also been suggested , and can be brought down to a very local level .
7 It is noticeable that parents often react against their own experience so that , for example , if they were brought up in a too restrictive atmosphere with little spoiling , they may spoil and leave their children without enough boundaries and routine .
8 Who were brought in at a very level .
9 ‘ But being brought up in a strictly Christian home , I 'm so disgusted with myself I feel I 've got to hide it and atone for it with ‘ good works ’ . ’
10 I had the great advantage of being brought up by a really traditional , old-fashioned nanny , who saw us through numerous disasters , one of which was the very memorable moment during the blitz when we were taken to a very smart tea shop in Curzon Street , a place where nannies met each other and their charges were just kept in tow .
11 This reflex is brought about by a very simple neural mechanism .
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