Example sentences of "be found [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They are found predominantly in the area of England between Dorset and the Wash
2 Microtrichia are found indiscriminately on the wing-membrane and veins alike .
3 We now realise that the great religions of the world are not monolithic institutions but that they all contain several spiritualities — many of which are found right across the board of the world religions — which reflect different attitudes of mind towards our ultimate end .
4 They consist of a series of slightly different palmettes and floral forms , and are found either in an allover format or in conjunction with a central medallion .
5 Above all , simple geometric mosaics are found elsewhere in the region , as isolated instances or in contexts where no sophisticated work is known .
6 Some of the earliest material ( i.e. object-types which are found both on the Continent and in England ) was dated by reference to the historical sources : ‘ the oldest brooches belong to the time of the invasion ’ ( 156 ) .
7 Macrophages are found mainly in the liver , spleen and lungs , the small blood vessels of which , provide a perfect size for ‘ bumping ’ into red cells that are infected with malaria parasites .
8 The essential action of the probabilistic syntactic analyser is to find out how often each set of grammatical categories are found together in the corpus .
9 Low granules are found sporadically over the disk , slightly larger ones in the vicinity of the radial shields .
10 Further questioning revealed that he was only able to sell the artefacts in Gibraltar because they had been found illegally on a site in Spain .
11 There are no recent inland records , although storm-driven birds have been found inland in the past .
12 The big scroll in the frieze between Pope Calixtus II and the Emperor Henry V contained the first words of the text of the Concordat of Worms of 1122 , with the rest of the text to be found elsewhere in the hall .
13 A less extreme , but certainly related , view of natural language sentences can also be found elsewhere in the literature which relates to discourse analysis .
14 The asterisks indicate donors who have presented copies of their own publications to the Library , of which full details will be found elsewhere in the Report .
15 Riffaterre 's criticism of Jakobson is to be found principally in an article of 1966 on Jakobson 's analysis ( with Claude Lévi-Strauss ) of Baudelaire 's poem ‘ Les Chats ’ , an analysis which follows the same model as that of the Shakespeare sonnet .
16 In works produced by or with the aid of a computer , human skill can be found either in the person who enters information into the computer to produce the output or in the work involved in writing the program used or a combination of both .
17 The museum 's weirdest exhibit , hailed in its time as a ‘ Marvel of the age ’ and a ‘ Wonderful freak of nature ’ , is a must for children and can be found just along the corridor .
18 It was a kind of verse at which he himself excelled — there are those who say that it is to be found just under the surface of some of his apparently " serious " poetry — and Old Possum 's Book of Practical Cats has the spirit , if not the content , of the Bolovian stanzas which he had been writing since his early twenties .
19 In more technical terms cellulite is a modified form of fat tissue to be found just below the surface of the skin .
20 My own superb Jeeves-on-wheels was Suresh Naik , who can be found just by the Vistar hotel in the centre of Panjim .
21 On approaching the village proceed around the hairpin bend in the centre of the village towards the disused railway bridge and the property will be found just before the bridge on the left hand side , identified by an Adkin ‘ For Sale ’ board .
22 But it does n't end here , and the answers will not be found here in the Dales .
23 My subject matter is to be found here in the house .
24 Contestants were invited to complete an entry coupon with four simple questions — all the answers could be found somewhere on the stand — and at the end of the day a draw was made and bouquets sent by Interflora to the first three correct entries drawn from the bag .
25 To herself Annabel thought that it would n't interfere with the running of the Universe if enough money could be found somewhere for the university fees and accommodation for Eve Malone , the child who had no home except the big bleak convent with the heavy iron gates .
26 Without the help of the S.D.S. the project seems doomed as the Region are unwilling to help and few of the local people would consent to council funds being used for the setting up of a permanent site or the renting of a plot of land as a short-term site until a permanent site can be found away from the town .
27 In the resultative sense of know , which can be found both in the non-past and the past ( I know/knew it to be true ) , know merely evokes a state of possessing knowledge , and this state is conceived as the condition for representing the infinitive event as a reality .
28 Rather the events he symbolically depicts are part of a larger design to reveal a historia , an unfolding of a pattern which is to be found both in the self and in a social and political fabric .
29 The barrow was subsequently restored and is still to be found deep in the moors half a mile North East of the Hurlers .
30 The actual sky colour ‘ blue ’ may not necessarily be found straight from the tube .
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