Example sentences of "be found [prep] the [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Other shapes , square , diamond , triangles , lentoid , drop or half-disc , are much rarer and are found on the Continent in southern Germany , Hungary and south-east Europe in general .
2 Essentially the same structures are found among the Thysanura in the Lepismatidae , though the coxites are unmodified there and bear styles .
3 They are found throughout the empire in the third and fourth centuries , although they were known elsewhere by different names : castella , turres , centenaria and by the Greek pyrgoi .
4 Additional effects are found from the growth in nominal income which is associated with an increase in own-country relative returns .
5 It has been noted that on occasions the cremated bones are found in the urns in a small cluster as if placed there in a small bag .
6 Golden orfe are found in the wild in certain parts of Britain and Europe .
7 lumps of concrete had been found on the line in front of the first train
8 The spokesman said a number of mortar bombs had been found in the area in the past and he urged anyone finding similar items to contact the police immediately .
9 Most of those leaving the cities have done so through the commercial market and they have moved for a variety of reasons ( Kennett and Hall , 1981 ) : more freely-available , cheaper , owner-occupied housing might be found beyond the cities in environmentally-attractive locations ; households are more mobile — car-ownership rates doubled between 1961 and 1981 and the electrification of some InterCity lines has encouraged a marked decentralization of people away from London to areas such as Peterborough , Stamford ( Lincs. ) and even Newark ( Notts. ) ; many move out of cities on retirement ; and for the economically active in the south of England , movement out of London becomes ever more attractive as many commercial activities leave the capital .
10 Thinking that the heart of the mystery might be found on the Brocken in the Harz mountains , he journeyed there in May 1799 .
11 Twenty-four hours after training , there was getting on for a sixty-per-cent increase in the numbers of spines to be found on the dendrites in the left IMHV ( but almost no effect in the right ) .
12 ‘ And finally , evidence of the growing underclass is to be found in the increase in single-parent families , the increase in crime , and the lack of attachment to ‘ conventional ’ values .
13 The background to Pahl 's ( 1984 ) study can be found in the case-study in chapter 2 , section 2.7 .
14 The application of this spreading method in our laboratory to the spermatocytes of a translocation heterozygote in man ( 44 ) , to several inversion heterozygotes in the mouse ( 45 ) , and in the study of XY pairing in the human male ( 46 ) , can be found in the literature in addition to many other published accounts where spreading techniques have been employed in male meiotic prophase analysis .
15 This style of writing focuses on facts rather than abstractions : this explains the differences in the views of Dicey and Jennings on the subject of sovereignty ; it is the reason for the disagreement between Dicey and Robson over whether or not we have administrative law ; and it is reflected in Willis 's argument against Hewart that the test of the existence of the ‘ new despotism ’ was to be found in the way in which the powers were actually used rather than how the form of the power cut across abstract constitutional principles .
16 Examples which justify my view can be found in the section in which Tom Robinson is being tried , showing racial prejudice , Bob Ewell 's treatment of his children and Mr Radley 's treatment of Boo portraying other instances of man 's inhumanity to man .
17 The law , as I have said , is to be found in the words in which Parliament has enacted .
18 Perhaps the most glaring example of this problem of non-falsifiability can be found in the manner in which Marxists have been able to argue that state spending is functional for capitalism : increases in state spending are functional since they increase effective demand and legitimacy , yet so are decreases in state spending since they increase the profitability private sector firms .
19 A list of all the possibilities ( single and joint ) will be found in the table in the section ‘ Degree Course Requirements ’ .
20 I stared blankly at the carefully drawn and accurate illustration of exactly where the main arteries could be found nearest the surface in the arms and wrists … and in the legs .
21 And to compound the difficulty of how best to interpret the statistics , the author of the test has conceded that physicians , instrument makers , naval experts , agricultural reformers , and general applied scientists are more often to be found among the parliamentarians in the sample .
22 The Arts : Mementoes from the royal attic Fascinating insights are to be found among the bric-a-brac in the V&A 's celebration of the Queen 's reign , says Leslie Geddes-Brown
23 The same month saw growing concern over the water industry , subsequently privatised , because of the dangerously high level of nitrates and other chemicals being found in the water in some areas .
24 It claimed matches and more than 30 lighters were found in the house in places accessible to the children .
25 Many corpses , or rather fossils of corpses , were found by the excavators in the ash .
26 They were found by the expedition in a store where they served as a rather cumbersome ‘ card index ’ of courtly precedents .
27 The Crown 's case was that the men were found by the police in a public lavatory behaving indecently towards each other .
28 Given that the eminent genealogist Sir Anthony Wagner has said in his book English Genealogy , that ‘ where a distinctive surname is found over the centuries in one place in successive tax returns and the like , family continuity can be presumed even if descent can not be proved step by step ’ , a useful study is possible .
29 The sharp carving of the seer 's locks ( fig. 125 ) archaic in tradition , is precisely paralleled in the Apollo ( whose beautiful head is not , as I have carelessly asserted , cut from a separate piece of marble but is one with the body ) ; while the marvellous smoothness of the Cladeus ( fig. 128 ) is found on the west in the heads of Theseus and particularly of the bride , and in heads of Herakles from metopes at both ends .
30 It is found in the shallows in the sea grass meadows , at depths of only 1–6 metres .
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