Example sentences of "be most commonly [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Severe , sometimes fatal , hepatitis has been most commonly reported in association iwth the use of diclofenac and sulindac , Although fatalities have also been reported with the use of naproxen and indomethacin .
2 It appears to favour grouping on city pavements outside office blocks and is most commonly seen around mid-morning or between 12 noon and 2pm .
3 ( f ) Improvements A rent geared to subrents is most commonly found in building leases .
4 Blackouts are described in extreme cases of overeating binges or starvation even though this feature is most commonly associated with alcohol .
5 Oblique divergence is most commonly accommodated by transform offsets along a mid-oceanic ridge crest , while oblique convergence is resolved by the complex adjustment of lithospheric fragments along the plate boundary .
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