Example sentences of "be make aware of the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 By this stage each party contacted should have been made aware of the firm 's professional relationship with the client and the confidentiality and sensitivity of any client information discussed .
2 The people of England should have been made aware of the significance of the match .
3 British Rail had been made aware of the danger of drivers going through red lights , a possible cause of the Newton disaster , as far back as 1951 , the inquiry was told .
4 Although Mr Braley had been made aware of the need for absolute secrecy , he had put the SFO 's investigation at risk .
5 All employees are made aware of the development opportunities open to them .
6 Moreover , this sense of insecurity and consequent bias towards caution may be further reinforced by the fact that very often the sort of decisions we are discussing are made in hospitals , where doctors are made aware of the views and reactions of another interested group , the nursing staff .
7 The story is as much inspirational as sad , for with it we are made aware of the part we can play in our own Christmas story .
8 Those in favour assert that democratic government should be conducted as openly as possible and argue that the more electors are made aware of the actions of their elected representatives the better .
9 I wonder how many motorcyclists are made aware of the noise nuisance that they produce ?
10 Once people are made aware of the problems , they usually help in some way .
11 In attempting to ensure that people are made aware of the DLA , which is something that we all want , will the Minister ensure that there is effective and efficient management ?
12 Ann Cunnane , TSSIS information officer , said : ‘ We aim to clear up the confusion and bring into perspective the risk , while ensuring the public and medical communities are made aware of the importance of early detection . ’
13 By consideration of points raised in the module , and matters arising from them , teachers are made aware of the distinction between drills promoting mechanistic performance and drills promoting the unconscious internalization of mentalistic competence structures , and of the distinction between meaning as semantic signification and meaning as pragmatic value in context .
14 If people are made aware of the risks and volunteer , then that 's seems to be their own free choice , and if that is what they wish to do , then that it seen to be a perfectly fair about going of course it would be completely immoral to test a drug on somebody who was n't aware of what was going on .
15 The Bank must be made aware of the abuse that is taking place .
16 Candidates should be made aware of the variety of forms of writing used in business life , so that they will be able to select most appropriate form — notes , summaries , memoranda , telex , quantification displays , etc — according to circumstances .
17 ‘ I think they should be made aware of the opinions of the people central to the whole drama , ’ she said .
18 A sick man who values a hi-fi set more than a bottle of medicine that will cure him needs to be made aware of the values involved .
19 The client should be made aware of the benefits to both of you of using your time as cost effectively as possible .
20 Air Vice-Marshal A D Dick , chairman of 30 Squadron Association , in an appeal for relatives to be made aware of the memorial 's existence , recalls that Squadron Leader Edward Howell , the 33 Squadron commander , was critically wounded in the battle and nearly died .
21 The bank undertook to arrange for the necessary documents to be drawn up and the manager gave instructions that both the husband and the wife were to be made aware of the nature and effect of the documents they would sign , and that the wife should be advised to take legal advice if she had any doubts about them .
22 I appreciate that Guitarist can not be held responsible for the extremely low quality of these tapes , but I feel that you should be made aware of the fact .
23 ‘ We do n't want people to be abused or intimidated but just to be made aware of the fact that if they are wearing a fur coat the public have got a right to say something . ’
24 Often only after the transaction has been completed will the customer be made aware of the commission involved — sometimes up to 10 per cent of the amount being changed .
25 In particular the issue of over-consumption needs to be brought to the fore and consumers should be made aware of the role they have to play .
26 To prevent further cases the Indian community in the United Kingdom should be made aware of the risks associated with the use of ethnic remedies , and their distribution and sale should be monitored .
27 But they say people must be made aware of the risks .
28 What needs to happen is that the trade should be made aware of the shortlist ; the media must pick up the vibes ; and the winner should be available in paperback ( Emily will be a Pan in October .
29 The plays were about oppression , and producer Innes Lloyd and director Claude Whatham were anxious that a large audience should be made aware of the plight of Czech dissidents such as Havel .
30 If members would accept the additional resolution which stands in my name erm which reads this is what we 'd copied to all district councils and they would be made aware of the county council 's views on the matter .
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