Example sentences of "be attribute to the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The effect has also been attributed to the putative comet 's tail , a less plausible explanation .
2 This finding has been attributed to the increased prevalence of hepatic dysfunction , with associated impairment of bile acid synthesis and contraction of the total bile acid pool , in adults with cystic fibrosis .
3 No practical purpose has ever been attributed to the four-sided blocks with tubular perforations and grooved corners ( zong ) ( fig. 13 ) that appeared already in the Neolithic culture of east China , and the same applies to the animal amulets of Shang times .
4 In studies on such membranes isolated after partial hepatectomy or TAGH infusion , EGF induced less receptor phosphorylation than in normal membranes : reduced EGF induced autophosphorylation of the EGF receptor in membranes from the livers of hepatectomised rats has previously been attributed to the reduced receptor density on such membranes .
5 The explanation of this remarkable correspondence between patterns of sexual dimorphism in humans and gelada baboons is to be found in evidence of parallels in the evolution of the two species which have been attributed to the likely existence of our hominid ancestors in a habitat similar to that of today 's gelada baboon and to a resultant comparability of life-style and evolutionary adaptation .
6 That is : given characteristics are attributed to the entire population of Shetlanders and to the entire population of incomers : any differences which exist within the category are differences in degree of applicability .
7 Who thought of them can only be imagined , but it is obvious that some are attributed to the physical build or character while others have probably got connections with the work they did , terms which have died with them .
8 It is at this stage , with a primary definition of ‘ goodness ’ established , that the relationship between ‘ goodness ’ and the concept of the Created God can now be considered , so that the full contribution to the definition of that God which can be attributed to the Second Period , can be evaluated .
9 Nor can the elimination of two year waits be attributed to the internal market .
10 Thus the changing nature of physics can be attributed to the changing states , or to changing observables , or to some mixture of responsibility between the two of them .
11 Changes in the number of households may be broken down into those which can be attributed to the changing numbers in each age group and those attributable to changes in headship rates .
12 The narrow definition of rape and its failure to encompass other forms of sexual assault may be attributed to the early origins of the offence .
13 Clearly this can not be a process completed during initial training but equally clearly it can not be attributed to the sole responsibility of academic or in-service courses .
14 The DES ( 1984b ) reports some work to identify a link between the proportion entering higher education of those qualified ( QPI ) and unemployment , and conclude from some aggregate level analyses that if these results are valid they imply that much of 2.1 per cent rise in QPI in 1981/82 could be attributed to the total increase in unemployment — from 1.8 million to 2.7 million between July , 1980 and July , 1981 .
15 It is easy to assume that any significant , gender-linked difference should be attributed to the general operation of gender roles .
16 The greater incidence of digestion on maxillary incisors can be attributed to the greater breakage of the maxillae .
17 This was the kind of language that used to be attributed to the sharper end of the second-hand book world .
18 It has been suggested that the rapid increase in the Muslim population during this period can not be attributed to the mass conversion of Bogomils , as the greatest increases were recorded in the areas where Bogomils were fewer in number , especially in the towns .
19 All this would have been unthinkable in the 1930s ; though , as Paul Addison has pointed out , there were signs that a progressivist tide of ‘ middle opinion ’ was rising gently , nevertheless the speed with which these developments occurred after 1940 must be attributed to the peculiar conditions brought about by the war .
20 The low efficiency of transformation with human tumour DNA may be attributed to the several reasons .
21 The deviations of real gases from ideal gas behaviour can be attributed to the attractive forces between gas molecules ; the volume of a gas molecule ( the kinetic theory assumes this is negligible ) .
22 Much of the complexity of the normal form can be attributed to the potential nondeterminism of occam programs .
23 The reason for this apparent discrepancy is not obvious but the reduced secretory response in pancreatitis could be attributed to the marked fall in the pancreatic blood flow and to the reduction in the number of viable acinar cells in the pancreas .
24 Though there is no reason to think that the kings of Cyrene had actually helped Inaros at the beginning of the revolt , the fall of the Persian-backed Cyrenaean monarchy at about this period can be attributed to the infectious restlessness of Egypt next door , cp. below , p. 61 .
25 As Webster points out , ‘ To dissever the week from the lunar month , to employ it as a recognized calendrical unit , and to fix upon one day of that week for the exercises of religion were momentous innovations which , until evidence to the contrary is found , must be attributed to the Hebrew people alone . ’
26 Conversely , the frequency with which disease can be attributed to the abnormal allele ( P(genotype/disease) ) decreased with age .
27 But not all the blame can be attributed to the high degree of neve .
28 ‘ Probably the relatively low level of heavy commitment in the case of mortgages ’ , stated the Office of Fair Trading report Overindebtedness ( July 1989 ) , ‘ can be attributed to the detailed investigation into incomes and other circumstances which usually precedes the granting of a mortgage . ’
29 Much of the credit for the high standard of this performance has to be attributed to the forceful singing of Westdeutscher Rundfunk Choir , a pro-Cordes 's highest notes betray an occasional sense of strain .
30 The revised plan resulted in a total saving of $2 b.o.e. of which 50 cents can be attributed to the horizontal wells .
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