Example sentences of "be subject to [art] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The general rule is that overseas trusts are subject to the same IHT rules as UK trusts .
2 It seems that those who try to live according to the official theory of schooling are subject to the same range of ritual abuse as the fans of another club .
3 In addition , for the purposes of ss2 , 5 , 6 and 7 , " terms and notices which exclude or restrict the relevant obligation or duty " are subject to the same control as clauses which exclude or restrict liability .
4 Holiday caravans are subject to the same planning and licensing controls as residential caravans .
5 The payment of the year 's charge by a single payment , that is a lump sum payment , has always been linked to the date when recovery procedures can commence in order that lump sum payers are subject to the same recovery procedures as monthly instalment payers .
6 Regulation — solicitors are subject to the same regime as all other providers of financial services and are regulated in the conduct of investment business by the Law Society .
7 Britain has been subject to the same decline in long-stay beds and has responded in the same way as other European countries to this fall in the mental hospital population .
8 The Food Advisory Committee 's latest review of labelling legislation has recommended that all alcoholic drinks should be subject to the same legislation that governs all other foodstuffs .
9 Sir David Smith , the principal of Edinburgh University , has suggested that the MPs who shout most loudly for league tables of schools should be subject to the same treatment .
10 This independence , however , has no bearing on the central control of the curriculum , since all maintained secondary schools , whatever their source of funding , will be subject to the same law with regard to the curriculum .
11 Bishop Jim Thompson , in Half Way , comments : ‘ The homosexual who has never had a physical relationship , because of religious conviction , or fear , or lack of opportunity , can be subject to the same panic in midlife as the heterosexual spinster or bachelor .
12 The supermarkets say warehouse club shopping should be subject to the same planning laws as they are .
13 It 's classified as a wholesaler but the supermarkets say Costco should be subject to the same planning rules as retailers .
14 They say they simply want clubs to be subject to the same planning restrictions they face .
15 Other releases through the Sub Pop empire ( all of which now appear to be subject to the same scheduling difficulties ) include THEE HEADCOATS ' LP , ‘ Heavens To Murgatroid Even !
16 Other releases through the Sub Pop empire ( all of which now appear to be subject to the same scheduling difficulties ) include THEE HEADCOATS ' LP , ‘ Heavens To Murgatroid Even !
17 Sheepmeat and beef would be subject to the same quota regime as had applied to the dairy sector since 1984 [ see p. 33161 ] .
18 NHAs , like the present NSAs , will rely not on tighter legislation for protection but on voluntary agreements with landowners — where Sites of Special Scientific Interest can be contested , de-registered and exploited by , for example , mining , and where future access to the hills may well be subject to the same uncertainty .
19 The hon. Member for Halifax asked whether national health service trusts would be subject to the same guidance rules and discharge procedures .
20 The EDF 's plan is opposed by the Industrial Biotechnology Association , which argues instead that genetic engineering should be subject to the same safety standards as plant breeding .
21 Workshops , garages , and the vehicle dispatch and receipt areas can be subject to the same control ( previously the Factories Act ) and more specific requirements will be necessary for the storage of hazardous liquids , gases and combustibles , generally , with supporting requirements for fire fighting equipment .
22 In this sense he assumes that government policy is subject to the same degree of stickiness as prices .
23 Though a crown body , it did not operate as such and thus was subject to the same planning control as private developers .
24 Horton Hospital , located in Epsom , and together with Banstead one of a ring of mental hospitals in the vicinity known as the ‘ Epsom cluster ’ , was subject to the same process of decline and was also in an impossible location to offer community care .
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