Example sentences of "be associate with the [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Thus , the loss of [ h ] could be associated with the contact situation in general , regardless of the specific properties of the contact languages .
2 This is clearly a literary phenomenon , or rather an example of literacy at work in place of the semi-literacy that might naively be associated with the film industry ; people who had read one book by the author then sought out his earlier book , putting it too on the best-seller list .
3 In fact , although frequency of the forms correlated with age , sex and educational differences between speakers , different modal meanings appeared also to be associated with the verb forms as follows : imperfect subjunctive/ [ UNREAL ] ; conditional/ [ POSSIBLE ] ; present/indicative/ [ FACTUAL ] .
4 For firmness of purpose , surely , can only be associated with the missionary attachment to first principles which he has been energetically abandoning .
5 A pattern of trouble quickly came to be associated with the street gangs .
6 The reason , one supposes , for their usefulness in the wind band rather than the orchestra is no doubt the weight and solidity of tone which overcomes in the former combination any disadvantages which might be caused by the highly individual tone-colour of the saxophones , and thus enables them to enrich the texture and , by their vitality , to add the gaiety and fun which are such marked features of their character , as well as a brand of melancholy particularly to be associated with the alto instrument , hence its occasional use for solo work .
7 Unfortunately , much of the drab utilitarianism of urban existence has come to be associated with the design philosophy of functionalism .
8 Professor Ray Wetton ( above ) , chairman of Polymer Laboratories , commented , ‘ we are delighted to be associated with the world championship racing team , and we expect both out development departments to learn a great deal about designing and manufacturing composites ’ .
9 David Morgan has retired as chairman and is succeeded by Keith Montague who was previously chairman of the supporters society ( The Midland & Great Northern Joint Railway Society Limited ) , and who has been associated with the North Norfolk Railway for over 20 years .
10 Other British names which have been associated with the madeira wine trade over the past 200 years include Charles O.L. Power , who came to Madeira in 1878 and lived in Quinta Deão .
11 Mr Molyneaux has long been associated with the integrationist wing of his party , which feels that devolution for Northern Ireland would be too unstable , given the requirement for power-sharing between unionists and nationalists .
12 The Turners had long been associated with the ironmongery trade in Dublin .
13 Cocoa has long been associated with the Temperance societies and other groups who fought against the consumption of alcohol .
14 Miss Olive Newson , who retired from the Sports Council in September 1983 has been associated with the Medau Society for nearly 30 years .
15 For a century or more , in the age of sail , the hotel had been associated with the Packet Service , when Falmouth was the port through which overseas mail and important travellers entered and left the country .
16 Certain IgG heavy chain markers are associated with the serum concentrations of IgG subclasses .
17 These patterns are associated with the Coriolis force that expresses the Earth 's rotation .
18 Extensive powers of entry , search and seizure are associated with the possession offence by virtue of section 24 .
19 The Sussex Levels cover a considerable area , of the order of 160 square kilometres , and , except for Pevensey Levels , are associated with the flood plains of the main rivers .
20 In this chapter we have tried to convey something of the complexity of the events which are associated with the INSET developments originally conceived as an essential part of the ESSE/L Project aims , and also something of the achievements to which these events have led .
21 Note also , that there are no carrying costs with a futures contract ; all the carrying costs are associated with the cash market transactions , but they are not incurred until the end of the period .
22 This led to a substantial increase in platelet cholesterol concentration , the bulk of this increase being associated with the platelet membrane .
23 Interestingly , female clothing workers were associated with the syndicalist tradition , although much of the leadership of industrial action in the early 1970s came from male cutters .
24 DNA marker haplotype analysis revealed that chromosomes with the 3849+10 kb CT mutation were associated with the haplotype C at the H2.3A/TaqI and E1/PstI loci .
25 He became assistant to the American J. H. Hammond and they undertook exploration for gold on the Witwatersrand and were associated with the mining ventures of Cecil Rhodes [ q.v. ]
26 The ‘ social a priori , were associated with the value system of the society and the ‘ seeker after knowledge ’ was located firmly within society and its value system ( Stark 1958 : 107 ) .
27 This finding is in line with the hypothesis that with this fixation the insoluble form of PCNA , which is associated with the DNA replication sites , can be detected .
28 The densest high forest in the High Weald is associated with the ghyll valleys , narrow ravines created by streams that have cut through the lighter soils .
29 However , X is very widely supported , and is associated with the Unix operating system and the move to open standards in the IT industry .
30 As such it has been identified as part of a general movement towards scientific naturalism in American thought and is associated with the behaviourist turn taken in political science and , in the study of law , with the legal realist movement which flourished in the inter-war period .
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