Example sentences of "be able [to-vb] the [noun] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 I also think it 's a question of being able to provide , certainly at the top of a company , a sense of direction and I find it hard to see how you can have an absolutely clear sense of direction unless you yourself are able to assess the essentials as you see them for success in your particular trade .
2 We are a voluntary body , but thankfully are able to influence the decision-makers because we have among our members those with local knowledge and with expertise in many disciplines relevant to our work .
3 Brave Paul , pictured , has only recently been able to use the bike as he battles against the illness .
4 I have been able to do the washing cos I have n't been able
5 He has n't been able to contact the list since , so we 're not sure what became of him .
6 The state 's ultimate authority over broadcasting exemplifies one of the deficiencies of public service broadcasting , though , paradoxically , John Reith , the BBC 's first managing director/director general , would not have been able to develop the BBC as he did had he not had the full support of the state .
7 In some cases , parents would have been able to keep the child if minimal material assistance had been available .
8 I have n't been able to dry the washing cos we have n't out the
9 Their opponents have not been able to make the connections as effectively , either through working out a coherent ideology or through practice and organization .
10 I am sorry to have to say I shall not be able to attend the AGM since I will be away on a short holiday with my family .
11 Even if at the time of sale the purchaser does not intend such rationalisation , it will not wish to fetter its discretion to do so in the future and to be able to adapt the business as it wishes to changing market circumstances .
12 I thought that I would never be able to repeat the illustrations as finished drawings , so the book stayed as a dummy . ’
13 For example , if you have a patio garden that is mainly paved , a few tubs can look extremely attractive , and you 'll be able to pick the flowers as well as enjoy them as garden ornaments .
14 If he has enough education he may be able to do the gloss as well .
15 It is now my opinion that the main things to remember if you 're going back to work after having a baby are that as long as you find someone you 're happy with to look after your baby while you 're at work , you 'll be happy and so will your baby , and that you will be able to do the job when you go back , even if the thought of it scares you to death in the months leading up to your return .
16 Cos the st er you could , you might be able to take the stand cos it 's got ta be pretty er hefty .
17 The font supplier provides one font for the screen so that the user will be able to see the type as it will appear and a second font for the printer .
18 Not all video machines have this property but it is becoming more and more common to be able to see the picture as you run forward or back on the tape or disc .
19 It does not matter how well you may be able to see the model if you are unable to relate the information in terms of the action required .
20 They set about loosening the ropes just enough for them to be able to reach the knot once Graham gave the signal .
21 ‘ We wo n't be able to reach the lady until we can telephone tonight . ’
22 Managers therefore may find that the only solution to continuity is to be thoroughly familiar with all case records in order to be able to smooth the transition as one volunteer picks up a case started by another .
23 The adventurers will only be able to search the place if they destroy Stanislav , who will protect his work-place to the bitter end .
24 Furthermore , where a sale is announced to be without reserve and the seller intervenes , as distinct from withdrawing the goods from the auction , he has no right to bid so that the highest bona fide bidder will be able to treat the transaction as fraudulent ( Green v Baverstock ( 1863 ) 14 CBNS 204 ) .
25 If B is threatened with a breach of contract he may be able to treat the contract as repudiated and sue for anticipatory breach or , of course , he may await the breach and then sue for damages .
26 In advertising the purpose of research is to be able to plan the campaign so you know to whom you are talking , what you should be saying , which idea will best convey your message and , finally , whether that message is having the right results .
27 But it 's nice to be able to invent the stories as well .
28 He knew of course that he would never be able to halt the train before it reached the bridge and he had his guard 's safety to think about .
29 The information centre alternative can speed up the development of applications and maintenance ( as the users should be able to maintain the systems as well as develop them ) .
30 They play a physically demanding pressing game which is very effective under normal conditions , but they wo n't be able to maintain the pressure if it is very hot .
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