Example sentences of "be carry [adv prt] the [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 R. Miller had decided to resign , because his father , who had in fact been carrying out the duties of Sergeant since his son had rejoined the army in 1941 , was now too old and wished to retire .
2 Passengers had perforce to ride , and goods were carried on the backs of packhorses or mules .
3 I cut it out of Cosmopolitan magazine : an article entitled ‘ Think Yourself Thin ’ , illustrated by a blonde woman in a bikini being carried on the arms of two grinning , solid young men .
4 By nineteen ninety-one sixty-one per cent was being carried on the roads with just seven per cent going by rail — part of the continuing trend of freight away from rail to road .
5 Sedgwick , born in Dent in 1785 and for many years Professor of Geology at Trinity College , Cambridge , and a friend of Wordsworth and Darwin , describes the galleries of Dent vividly and delightfully in his book , A Memorial To Cowgill Chapel 1868 : ‘ The galleries were places of mirth and glee and active happy industry for there might be heard the buzz of the spinning wheel and the hum and the songs of those who were carrying out the labours of the day . ’
6 For there might be heard the buzz of the spinning wheel , and the hum and songs of those who were carrying out the labours of the day ; and the merry jests and greetings sent down to those who were passing through the streets .
7 Sometimes xerolas ( vegetables and/or fruits , often in the shape of a gigantic ball and strung on a pole which is carried on the shoulders of two men ) are carried in the procession .
8 What worries me at the moment about the proposals is that there is discrimination not only against the United Kingdom but against Europe in the way in which the Commission is carrying out the negotiations with the United States .
9 Mr Major explained how he was carrying on the principles of his predecessor and pointed out that he was her seconder in the leadership ballot and regretted that she had not stayed on .
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