Example sentences of "be hope that [adj] [noun] will " in BNC.

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1 But this is the penalty all pioneers must suffer , for we all operate within the narrow confines of the knowledge and attitudes of our day , and before condemning us entirely , it is to be hoped that future students will appreciate that their own work would be that much more difficult , but for the solid foundations so meticulously laid down by John Pearson Gillam .
2 It is to be hoped that future titles will move on from here and handle some of the visionary , imaginative and fantastic possibilities of fiction also .
3 This has seriously weakened the therapeutic and remedial potential of supervision orders and it is to be hoped that greater priority will be given to this area in the next few years .
4 The runs have captured the imagination of the enthusiasts and it is to be hoped that British Rail will allow these trains to run in 1992 .
5 It is always to be hoped that this charism will be active in popes and bishops , but it is not , nor can it be , reduced solely to their authority .
6 Some failures are due to ischaemia , sepsis , and fistulas in the arly period after operation and it is to be hoped that these complications will become less with further experience .
7 So what I 'm hoping that this Council will do is send a message up to White Hall that this is an abuse of executive power to stifle the challenges of t to the authority .
8 If you 're pr promoting that rich peasant economy , you are hoping that middle peasants will be upwardly ambitious and mobile and , and will also move up to be , to be rich peasants .
9 How many dealers will eventually distribute THStyme 's radical new technology is not known , but it is hoped that appropriate channels will be established by the end of the year .
10 It is hoped that firm proposals will be issued early next year and that the PIA will be launched in July 1993 .
11 Britain is leading the way in this and it is hoped that other countries will soon follow suit .
12 Clearly , it is hoped that greater efficiency will achieve a higher volume of services .
13 Clearly , therefore , there is further scope for finding Zechstein gas and with the aid of the sedimentological models presented herein , it is hoped that future exploration will be more successful .
14 It is hoped that international comparisons will throw further light upon the availability of alternative ways of applying new technology within the same sectors of activity .
15 It is hoped that each area will organise and be responsible for a stall — Stalls booked so far : —
16 It is hoped that each area will organize and be responsible for a stall .
17 By making the income and capital gains from investing in such trusts free of tax , up to a maximum amount of 6,000 a year ( 1992 ) , it is hoped that such savings will be encouraged , thereby helping to channel investment into UK industry .
18 It is hoped that this instrument will help him in his new parish of Our Lady of Lourdes in Leasowe to enrich further the lives of the people at home with all kinds of music .
19 Nevertheless it is hoped that this analysis will provide a framework within which the detailed practice of other unit staff can be examined .
20 It is hoped that this extension will provide members with the opportunity to consider/ discuss this matter more fully .
21 At present 5 library systems successfully notify accessions and withdrawals by tape ; it is hoped that this number will increase in the future .
22 It is hoped that this research will then provide guidelines in the way that microcomputers can be introduced within an organisation and the expected implications of the proposed changes .
23 It is hoped that this study will remedy the omission and demonstrate a possible role for the ATB in helping the family farmers and part-time farmers .
24 It is hoped that this study will permit the better understanding of how women with no other economic options can be helped to adjust their sexual-commercial behaviour to slow the transmission of the HIV virus .
25 Consideration of the Commission 's proposal for the telematics programme by both the European Parliament and the advisory bodies to the Research Council is going on apace and it is hoped that this programme will be one of the first from the third Framework programme to be adopted in 1991 .
26 It is hoped that this project will be innovative not only in the material resented and analysed , but as a contribution to new modes of scholarly publication .
27 It is hoped that this chapter will not be dismissed as an arid academic ground-clearing exercise , since it has important things to say about the most appropriate way to approach the subject of the book .
28 It is hoped that this chapter will cast a little light on this question .
29 In the remaining span of the project , it is hoped that further progress will be made in understanding the relationship between these properties and the modelling and estimation techniques which give rise to them .
30 By the end of this century , it is hoped that 11,000 students will be benefiting from a Bristol education , an increase of 50% on current student numbers .
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