Example sentences of "be hope [that] [noun] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is only to be hoped that dispersals of any kind are restricted on the most severe criteria , and that money for acquisitions , storage and , perhaps most important , staff for cataloguing is not stinted .
2 These management statistics are going to have an increasingly important rĂ´le in determining university funding and spending in the coming years , and it is to be hoped that figures for all disciplines will be available in future .
3 It is hoped that insights from other countries can offer lessons for a New South Africa .
4 MITI is working to ensure that there is broader and more open international collaboration in the New Information Processing Technology Programme than was possible in the Fifth Generation Programme , and it is hoped that organisations in other countries may be able to play a major role both in the research and its exploitation .
5 It 's offering ten pounds to anyone who 's prepared to stand in line with a suspect , and is hoping that people of all ages , colours , shapes and sizes will come forward .
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