Example sentences of "be difficult [verb] [det] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Because exam questions and essay titles often ask you to judge texts , it can be difficult to avoid such patronising effects .
2 While it is difficult to draw any definite conclusions from such bald statistics on recorded crime , they clearly posed a major embarrassment for a Government pledged to reduce the crime rate .
3 It is difficult to draw any hard conclusions from this , especially when one of the Catholics , Diego de Zuñiga , who taught philosophy and theology at the University of Salamanca , adopted the Copernican system in the context of expounding Job 9:6 .
4 Not only does the contradictory nature of the evidence preclude any generalization , but it is difficult to conduct any cross-cultural comparisons because there is no agreement as to what should be compared .
5 There is very little likelihood of confusion arising whichever spelling is used in English documents , though there will be far-reaching consequences , for example in text-books , abstracts , indices , dictionaries , computer programs , and teaching , but it is difficult to see any compensating advantages in adopting the US version .
6 It is difficult to see any significant differences between that case and those in which a perpetually renewable lease has been found to have been created .
7 We have all gone through the same system ( which seems not to have harmed us ) , and it is difficult to accept that current students should be taught differently .
8 However , particularly in long-settled countries , it is difficult to differentiate such biogeographical studies from those by historical geographers or economic historians and it was a historical geographer ( Darby , 1956 ) who mapped and compared the distribution of forest in AD 900 with that in AD 1900 .
9 It is difficult to discover any intelligible principles which would justify , or even explain , the existence of so many different tribunals . ’
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