Example sentences of "be difficult [verb] [art] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 If market forces fail , serious economic consequences could result ; it would be difficult to assess the economic costs of these abuses .
2 However , as discussed in Chapter 8 , it can be difficult to establish the precise levels of these thresholds in practice .
3 In terms of scientific choice , for example , it is possible to establish the value placed upon a country 's contribution to high-energy physics , and to decide whether or not such research should be supported , but it would be difficult to measure the individual contributions made by isolated single researchers from small departments in the UK , when the major part of their work is carried out at international centres in Geneva , or California .
4 ‘ Matthew , I 'm trying to be very understanding and modern about this , but I want you to realize that for women of my generation , it 's difficult to accept the prevailing mores . ’
5 It is difficult to miss the phallic connotations of the weapons the miller seems to make such a show of having about his person : — the diminution in scale to the " " joly poppere " " may already hint at the bawdy belittling the miller is to suffer .
6 The despair and anguish felt by Jesus was so deep that it is difficult to translate the Greek words that Mark uses in his story .
7 Today , it is difficult to define a particular Hautvillers style : all have a good fruit content , and although some are perhaps lacking in definition , the finest attain great distinction , balancing high extract with a delicacy of flavour .
8 It is difficult to assess the real effects of the " movies " .
9 However it is difficult to estimate the unregistered animals .
10 The rail shape gradually changes throughout a board 's length ; unless you look carefully it is difficult to see the subtle changes involved .
11 The quality of a service has to be related to the environment in which it is provided ; and it is difficult to quantify the various facets of each service ( Redcliffe-Maud 1969 , Vol. 1:58 ) .
12 In the UK , as the new system of regulation is being put in place at a time of considerable liberalisation in financial markets it is difficult to separate the different factors that impinge on market efficiency .
13 If the two novels were to be recast in late post-Freudian terms it would be clear how completely our attitudes have changed towards amatory and social matters : it is difficult to read the Ruritanian stones now in the way Anthony Hope 's first readers did and not to dismiss them as mere escapist romances .
14 For a child who was reliant upon charity it was difficult to escape the determining rules which governed the public understanding of ‘ training up the child to be the man ( for woman ) ’ .
15 The Builder complained that it was difficult to identify the separate sets of drawings and there were also complaints about the lack of light , while some drawings , like Scott 's principal view , were placed so high that they could not be seen properly .
16 Perhaps because it was difficult to suggest the grey areas of waiting until Hugh came back .
17 It was difficult to keep the flickering candles alight , even , because of the draughts sweeping across the floors , lifting the rugs up as if there was an animal under them .
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