Example sentences of "be bring about [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Does my right hon. and learned Friend agree that some of the unemployment has been brought about by the so-called peace dividend ?
2 Conception was to be brought about by the creative power of God , through the Holy Spirit .
3 The Peruvian economist Hernando de Soto in his book , The Other Path , argues that such change can be brought about in the Latin American context by legalizing the informals .
4 I think this ought to be thrown out not necessarily on the rights or wrongs of fox hunting but on a procedural thing that you 've brought about where a dictatorial attitude is brought about by the Labour party that have the right apparently to say exactly what 'll happen on someone else 's land .
5 Larrain 's first point is that Marx approaches the concept of ideology on the basis of the contradictory character of social reality ‘ which is brought about by the restricted productive forces and the division of labour ’ ( Larrain 1979 : 45 ) .
6 The detailed dynamics are uncertain , but , presumably , the situation is analogous with the energy cascade ; although the spreading is brought about by the small eddies its rate is governed by the larger eddies .
7 This is brought about by the spiralling levels of taxation upon the private sector .
8 In the centre of the layer this transport is brought about by the first term of eqn ( 22.11 ) : essentially just the fact that rising currents in the convection are typically hotter than falling ones .
9 The mechanism of the process is brought about by the initial ionisation of water and the subsequent production of free radicals .
10 There was nothing to suggest the reduction in capital was brought about with the deliberate intention to obtain legal aid to which he would otherwise not be elegible .
11 Part of the Webster ruin was brought about by the fifth baronet 's attempts to reroof many of the derelict Battle Abbey buildings in 1812 — 13 .
12 This is , I suspect , the beginning of a process that will lead to much the same outcome as was brought about by the hundreds of Government amendments — sometimes running into four figures — that have been tabled to similar Bills .
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