Example sentences of "be [vb pp] as the result [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The second part of the book , " Models and methods " , proposes a view of literary communication in which the sylistic properties of texts are seen as the result of a complex process of mediation between a variety of situational , social and cultural forces .
2 Yes benefits will not be paid if you are injured as the result of hazardous activities such as diving , mountaineering , rock or cliff-climbing , pot-holing , cycling , motorcycling , parachuting , sport as a professional , rugby , racing other than on foot , or aviation except Air Travel .
3 Thus he writes , ‘ Basic statements are accepted as the result of a decision or agreement , and to that extent they are conventions ’ , and again ,
4 You receive a daily allowance of £40 , tax-free , and if you 're hospitalised as the result of an accident , these benefits are doubled to £80 each day .
5 £40 per day if you 're hospitalised as the result of illness .
6 £80 per day if you 're hospitalised as the result of an accident .
7 It would make no sense to say that the dots in the picture had a Gestalt of themselves , but to apply this model to the brain and experience would be just like that ; for , if the experience just is a state of the brain , then there is no way in which the character of the experience can be explained as the result of some perspective on the brain .
8 Secondly , he rejects the very assumption of classical theory that economic phenomena can ultimately be explained as the result of universal needs .
9 Marx is deeply opposed to the idea that a theory has a ‘ starting-point ’ , and in particular to the claim that social phenomena can be explained as the result of universal properties of individuals , and Althusser sums up his scepticism with an epigrammatic flourish : the classical idea that man makes his own history must be countered with the question ‘ How is the man who makes history made ? ’
10 And in his discussion of the parts played by people of exceptional talent he simply asserts that these individual capacities are to be explained as the result of social circumstances .
11 This is because the behaviour which is to be explained as the result of an instinct being present in an organism is , itself , the main evidence for the existence of the instinct in the first place .
12 By this Marxists mean that change and power in all human society can be explained as the result of the struggle between contending classes .
13 Every accident may be regarded as the result of the action of a human being somewhere along the line .
14 The approach to finding exact solutions that has been taken so far has involved initially solving the field equations in the interaction region IV and then investigating the conditions under which these solutions can be considered as the result of collisions of plane waves .
15 Reviewing the arguments presented earlier , it would seem that the lack of local politics in the post-war period should not be equated with the turning of local government into mere agents of the centre ; nor should it be seen as the result of non-local structural forces promoting change on a national basis .
16 The successive wars between the German states and France might be seen as the result of increasing German frustration over failed attempts to reach these markets .
17 By the end of his life , his position was somewhat more relativist , and that can fairly be seen as the result of the consistent working-through of his earlier principles .
18 Indeed , this chapter may also itself be seen as the result of feminist activity within sociology , in that analyses of the position of women in society are no longer confined to chapters on the family .
19 If culture and artistic developments are interpreted as integral aspects of the human social condition , a subgroup 's lack of artistic development could be seen as the result of its failure to develop an active social life , or as a reflection of the dehumanisation and suppression of that group .
20 Decision-making tended to be a complex process which involved bargaining between a plurality of different actors , and even in each of the specific policy areas the resulting decisions could not simply be seen as the result of the preferences of one elite group or actor .
21 Microeconomic analysis Explanations based on microeconomic analysis suggest that additional public spending can be seen as the result of governments continually intervening to correct market failure .
22 What does matter is that if we view that variable and all other variables affecting the aggregate demand curve as being determined by processes , the aggregate demand curve itself can be seen as the result of a process and shifts in the aggregate demand curve occur in line with that process .
23 A ballot-paper can only be transferred as the result of a surplus if its value is .01 or more .
24 Hence , the increasing complexity of the flow can be interpreted as the result of a sequence of instabilities , each giving rise to a new pattern which is stable for some Rayleigh number range but which itself becomes unstable at higher Ra .
25 Inter-village hostility may include the abduction of women or the murder of a member passing through alien territory , while a series of deaths in a village may be interpreted as the result of sorcery on the part of other villages .
26 The shell has a mathematically simple form , and , roughly speaking , its shape can be understood as the result of a that organ , the mantle , which itself grows at a variable rate but secretes minerals at a rate proportional to the length of its periphery .
27 The former damage will be viewed as the result of ‘ destructive hooliganism ’ and dealt with accordingly , whilst the latter will be seen as arising from an excess of good-natured high spirits and over-enthusiasm .
28 This is partly to ensure that any increase in profitability can be identified as the result of improved efficiency rather than a change in the method of compiling the accounts .
29 Like Cobbett , many suffragettes would have said that it was not so much the vote for its own sake that they sought as the improvements in the status and conditions of women which they believe would be achieved as the result of women 's enfranchisement .
30 Yet there are unlikely to be many governors or bodies of parents who would disapprove of the more or less traditional approach of putting class teachers first , and there would be few who would persist in wanting the headteacher 's draft management plan — his or her daily manner of organizing and managing the school — to be changed as the result of open and equal argument between staff of all categories .
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