Example sentences of "be [vb pp] to the [adj] court " in BNC.

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1 The case of Matthew Lucas who is trying to reopen relations with his estranged mother has been referred to the High Court .
2 The seat in question had already been reallocated from the PSOE to the United Left ( IU ) in a recount on Nov. 11 , and appeals had been made to the Constitutional Court against the Murcia court 's decision of Dec. 1 to hold fresh elections .
3 Where a counterclaim ( or set-off and counterclaim ) are transferred to the High Court but judgment has been given on the claim save for the question of set-off , execution is stayed thereon until the proceedings transferred to the High Court have been concluded , unless the High Court otherwise orders ( s 42(2) ) .
4 We 're looking at the policies and procedures adopted by the local authority because decisions about those individual children are entrusted to the High Court , the family division .
5 If this is not possible , the case may then be referred to the European Court of Human Rights , whose decision on the matter will be binding on the nation concerned .
6 If it does not do so , the case will be referred to the European Court for a ruling .
7 The group is asking the commission to reopen its inquiry into the environmental consequences of the road and believes the case could still be referred to the European Court of Justice if the government is found to have infringed EC directives .
8 On May 17 , 1989 , Iran formally applied for the aircraft compensation case to be referred to the International Court of Justice ( ICJ ) at The Hague .
9 In the face of continuing Hungarian objections , Meciar was reported to have agreed to consultations involving the European Communities , but only on ecological aspects ; the findings would be referred to the International Court of Justice at The Hague .
10 Consequently , the answer to be given to the national court must be that the fact that the competent minister of a member state has the power to dispense with the nationality requirement in respect of an individual in view of the length of time such individual has resided in that member state and has been involved in the fishing industry of that member state can not justify , in regard to Community law , the rule under which registration of a fishing vessel is subject to a nationality requirement and a requirement as to residence and domicile .
11 This means that claims by UK citizens under the Convention must always be pursued to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg to obtain judgment , with the result that the UK has had the highest number of judgments made against it by the European Court of Human Rights for one or more violations of the Convention 's terms .
12 As the European Court delays are providing a valuable premium for some people and holding up injunctive relief in this country , should not further representations be made to the European Court to deal with the problem as an injunctive matter so that certainty is quickly returned to the courts of this country ?
13 If a client objects to the bill submitted by the solicitor in a contentious matter an application may be made to the High Court for an order for taxation of the bill .
14 Mr McNally said a bail application would be made to the High Court on Friday .
15 Applications relating to former wards of court in care should be made to the High Court if the order sought may have the effect of varying or discharging an order or direction made in wardship ( In Re C ( a Minor ) , CA ( 1991 ) , The Times , 16 December and see 5(c) below ) .
16 In pending cases wardship ceases on 14 October 1992 and all applications prior to that date must therefore be made to the High Court whether or not they have the effect of varying an existing order ( see Appendix 5 ) .
17 An application under the Children Act which would have the effect of varying or discharging a direction or order made in wardship proceedings before 14 October 1991 should be made to the High Court even though the wardship itself may have ceased on that date under the transitional provisions ( In Re C ( a Minor ) , CA ( 1991 ) , cited above , see also Appendix 5 ) .
18 Most proceedings may be commenced in either court , though they may be transferred to the other court in due course ; of the rest , there are some which should always be commenced in the county court and others which should always be commenced in the High Court ( notwithstanding that the county court has jurisdiction to hear the case ) .
19 Where proceedings are pending in a county court , the county court or a judge of the High Court may order them to be transferred to the High Court or another county court provided that it is a court having bankruptcy jurisdiction ( r 7.11(2)-(4) ) .
20 ( 4 ) An action of which the value is £50,000 or more shall be tried in the High Court unless : ( a ) it is commenced in a county court and the county court does not consider that the action ought to be transferred to the High Court for trial ; or ( b ) the High Court considers that it ought to transfer the case to a county court for trial ( art 7(4) ) .
21 The High Court also has a general power under s 41 of the Act at any stage of the proceedings ( in addition to its powers to make prerogative orders ) to order the whole or part of any proceedings commenced in a county court , or previously transferred from the High Court to a county court under s 40 , to be transferred to the High Court .
22 The whole or part of any proceedings may under s 42 of the Act also be transferred to the High Court at any stage of the proceedings by the county court .
23 The petition fee and deposit should be handed to the Supreme Court Accounts Office , Fee Stamping Rooms , who will record the receipt and will impress two entries on the original petition , one in respect of the court fee and the other in respect of the deposit ( applies to High Court only ) .
24 It was expected that the ruling would be appealed to the Supreme Court .
25 It would be interesting to speculate on the legal position of the European flag if any prosecution for failing to fly the correct British ensign were to be appealed to the European Court .
26 When I talk about implementation of the Maastricht treaty I mean that one of the things that must be done is to set up the arrangements agreed at Maastricht by which member states can be taken to the European Court and punished if they do not carry out obligations that they have assumed .
27 An RUC spokesman explained that now , following an arrest , a man can be taken to the criminal court , and unless there are further offences of which the police are aware , the women need not attend the court .
28 The proceedings , which are in private , will be forwarded to the eventual court case which his wife Margaret , 47 , will continue after his death .
29 Marshall had been appointed to the Supreme Court in 1967 after a successful career as a civil rights lawyer , legal director of the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People ( NAACP ) and an Appeals Court judge .
30 The Crown sought an order for the taxpayer 's appeal to be struck out under s 56(4) , TMA 1970 , as it had not been submitted to the High Court within 30 days of receipt .
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