Example sentences of "be [verb] to get [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And soon we 're going to get to the point where we 'll be producing strings , each one with consistently the same sound-picture — and if it 's not , then we 'll instantly know what part of the process or what inconsistency in the materials is causing the problem .
2 Sorry we 're being a bit this is too too surreal for the B B C you 're going to get on the line .
3 Yeah you 're bound t you 're bound to get on the telly then , man .
4 and like you 're trying to get off the train , d' you mind
5 It changes every year so we go to these conference and we fight on our declaration of intent , on pensions , pensions reviews , that 's er reviewing a pension what we 're trying to get for the government of the day to review the pensions every six months instead of at the present every year .
6 Bertha would have been sent the message that she could go hopping sideways — while she herself would have been told to get down the road and out of his sight .
7 Publishers are rushing to get on the microcomputer bandwagon .
8 Primarily though it 's how you are in yourself at the time which determines whether you are going to get up the mountain and get back down .
9 I do n't know how people are going to get through the winter .
10 Well that is a very difficult one for anybody who erm has to try and sort out the ideological , tribal , personal rivalries in Uganda and to answer the question of whether these are going to get in the way of some sort of erm coherent government policy and political stability .
11 This is a rather more nebulous concept , but IBM seems to believe that there are loads of small businesses that are currently running their operations on local network-based systems and are beginning to get to the size where they are beginning to need transaction processing facilities on their server .
12 I have now been here for over a week , and am beginning to get into the swing of things .
13 They refused to examine particular complaints or cases , did not examine branch files and did not interview rank-and-file officers ; in other words , they did none of the things that would have had to be done to get at the truth .
14 I do n't know how I 'm going to get through the days .
15 ‘ If all I 'm going to get in the future is more talk and less music they can forget it . ’
16 The reason I 'm asking is that I 'm attempting to get to the games coming up against Norwich at home and Liverpool away .
17 Herculaneum suffered equally badly , except that there underground shafts and tunnels had to be driven to get at the antiquities .
18 So she was surprised , and vaguely annoyed , to see Sandra Bamfield picking her way cautiously over the large rocks that had to be scaled to get to the privacy of this particular beach .
19 The defendant will not be allowed to get round the Act by saying that the plaintiff was volenti .
20 I have a very vague idea of what this terrible crime is that I 'm trying to get to the bottom of , that you have rats in the basement of your best hotel , or you know , there 's a house falling down somewhere and you 've done absolutely nothing about a closing order , any of these kind of things , but I do n't know a lot about it .
21 In the evening a fun event will be held to get into the swing of things .
22 Various methods were adopted to get round the problem .
23 What makes it even more sweet is the fact that they crapped on about us only getting to the 2nd round last year and how they were going to get to the final .
24 Then she would n't be sitting here wondering how on earth they were going to get through the night .
25 People began to wonder how they were going to get through the evening .
26 There was a shod scuffle with police , who thought the demonstrators were trying to get into the Guildhall , but Cooper successfully diffused the situation .
27 No more was heard for a while about how the Masai were straining to get at the Kikuyu .
28 ‘ We were not asked if we were willing to go ’ , Joseph recalled , ‘ We were ordered to get into the railroad cars .
29 But Seaman , one of those criticised in the shock reverse by Norwich , said : ‘ We 've had a disappointing start but we are hoping to get off the bottom against Liverpool .
30 It may explain why scores of hon. Members are trying to get into the Chamber .
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