Example sentences of "be [verb] at a low [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Union leaders protested that while wages had been frozen at a low level , a freeze on prices could not be maintained because of the lack of government inspectors — a fear endorsed by Collor 's television appeal of Feb. 3 asking the general public to be watchdogs against price rises .
2 Would this lead to the principle of differentiation being accepted but used for different purposes , so that the goals of interest groups , rather than social welfare , dictate which commodities are taxed at a lower rate ?
3 Initially , the post had been envisaged at a lower level , but the Lords select committee pushed for this power .
4 Other autoantibodies directed against cytoskeletal antigens differ from actin as well as antinuclear antibodies giving a ‘ speckled ’ pattern of positivity , are found at a low titre ( <1:100 ) in cryptogenic , ciral , and clcoholic chronic liver disease .
5 In these circumstances , it is not surprising to find that population loss from inner areas has been running at a lower rate in the 1980s and that the government 's efforts at introducing more private investment have met with some measure of success .
6 In some situations holiday arrangements might be organised at a lower level in the organisation , particularly in specialist areas , such as operating theatres , where interchange of staff between departments is less easy .
7 An increase in earnings will lead to a reduction in both benefit and child support and so lone mothers will tend to be trapped at a low level of income .
8 They carry the Government Class 1 BS476 Part 7 fire ratings and can be installed at a lower cost than conventional re-roofing .
9 Out of-date-stock Life-dated products not sold before their expiry date may have to be sold at a lower price ( or even discarded altogether ) .
10 A cash alternative may be offered at a lower price than the share offer but such an alternative may be safer if this is likely to happen .
11 If therefore the waters of the sea showed no signs of depletion of fish , an increased supply could be produced at a lower price after a time sufficiently long to enable the normal action of economic causes to work itself out . [ … ]
12 Erm , how about economies of scale , you said that was important the increase in manufacturing trade , you know , implies that products will be produced at a lower unit value , and therefore benefit consumers and er , therefore increase his trade cos consumers will buy the cheapest product if that comes from abroad , so be it .
13 Peasant disturbances might be running at a low level , but evidence was mounting of severe discontent in the overpopulated black-earth regions .
14 A lunch room for immigrants where food can be served at a low price is desirable .
15 It was also apparent , however , that quadraphonic LPs had to be cut at a lower volume level than conventional records .
16 Where work can be done by a less senior collegue it will be charged at a lower rate .
17 In either case , the work will probably be re-let at a lower rate , thus providing a profit or administration surcharge for the original sub-contractor .
18 Bryan Gould , Labour 's trade and industry spokesman , has said that the industry may be renationalised at a lower price than it is sold for .
19 If more detail is required the data base can be interrogated at a lower level .
20 Because capital grants are fixed at a low proportion of costs , and with the emphasis on cheap loans , the responsibility to ensure that the planned project is viable is more squarely the farmer 's ( as it will now be in the UK ) .
21 In the French LFAs , subsidised loans are the more common incentive for capital developments ; capital grants are fixed at a lower level than in the UK and are related to the degree of handicap .
22 Already he has had offers from league and , although he has no interest in switching codes at the moment , the history of the game is littered with examples of guys who were caught at a low ebb by rugby league scouts and consequently signed .
23 In September 1871 Japan concluded a commercial treaty with China , under which consular jurisdiction was to operate in both countries , tariffs were fixed at a low level and there was no most-favoured-nation clause .
24 But in reality such protests were conducted at a low level in order not to interfere with normal , and reasonably good , relations which British foreign secretaries wished to continue and nurture with the offending nations .
25 Most gliders are very reluctant to stall in the slip ( try it some time ) , but if the recovery is made at a low speed , or the pilot forgets to ease forwards to prevent the nose rising during the recovery , there is a very real danger of stalling or of flying rather slowly as the glider encounters the wind gradient .
26 In periods of rising profits a company which is geared at a low level may not have the growth potential to give ordinary shareholders the returns expected from a more highly-geared company .
27 The aisle is roofed at a lower level than the nave and the triforia have the function of masking the lean-to roofs which cover these vaults .
28 Thirty-five years Stamp Duty is charged at a lower rate if the term does not exceed thirty-five years ( Stamp Act 1891 , Sched 1 as amended ) .
29 There are indications that the US trade deficit is increasing at a lower rate , and that inter-governmental cooperation has contributed to an orderly decline in the dollar 's foreign exchange value .
30 Motorised boats harm the ecology of waterways , unless use is kept at a low level , when there are some benefits .
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