Example sentences of "be [adv] drawn [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In addition , many other categories of workers in the formal and informal sectors in all three worlds have been progressively drawn in to the global capitalist system by the simple expedient of severely restricting and in more and more cases absolutely destroying their prospects for selfsufficiency in the provision of food , shelter and other ‘ necessities ’ of life .
2 Here the eye is naturally drawn down to the urn at the end of the vista .
3 The finale includes a cunningly constructed canon during which Ferrando , still heartbroken , at first refuses to take part , until he is gradually drawn in by the others .
4 Unlike Lukács ' insignificant event from which the universal is precariously drawn out through the narrative , Sartre 's singularity works synecdochally in a conventional antinomy with the universal , the relation between the two structured according to the familiar nineteenth-century model of organic growth or process in which each singular event makes up the whole while , as he puts it , ‘ the whole is entirely present in the part as its present meaning and as its destiny ’ .
5 The prey is then drawn up to the mouth and swallowed whole .
6 As soon as a truck is loaded it is removed by a ‘ traverser ’ on to a clear inner set of metals , and is then drawn out into the outer goods yard .
7 The order in which these are actually drawn on to the design area of the screen has nothing to do with the colour order for knitting .
8 In a feverish rush , an agreement was finally drawn up in the corridors outside the court room , under which Virgin were entitled to one more album of Sting 's songs ( Synchronicity ) and also retained the ‘ exploitation ’ rights on existing material for a further eight to ten years .
9 ( At the same time , though its existence was naturally concealed from the rank-and-file , a ‘ Line of Panic ’ was also drawn up on the inner circle of forts , Belleville , Souville , Tavannes and Moulainville .
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