Example sentences of "the need [to-vb] that the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Both Le Bon , and Freud following him , seem to be implicitly aware of the need to see that the followers give prestige to the leader and to ideas ; that a relationship is involved .
2 She says the reason for this is ‘ the need to believe that the event recounted actually took place , or is taking place : no one believes a prophet , and even a prediction needs to be realised within the narrative for sense and interest ’ ( 329 ) .
3 Second , the need to establish that the items were concealed with ‘ animus revertendi ’ ( ie ; with the intention of retrieving the objects ) , which is essential to a verdict of Treasure Trove , would be abolished .
4 The example auditors ' reports given in the exposure draft are unlikely to help narrow the expectations gap because they do not include references to the inherent limitations of financial reporting and , in particular , to the need to recognise that the balance sheet is not intended to be a statement of a company 's net worth and that there can not be a guarantee that the company will survive as a going concern .
5 Agriculture was undergoing considerable change and she saw as one of her main tasks the need to ensure that the UK farming industry benefits in full from CAP .
6 Agriculture was undergoing considerable change and she saw as one of her main tasks the need to ensure that the UK farming industry benefits in full from CAP .
7 The need to ensure that the expert has the power to award interest will arise in the following circumstances : ( 1 ) Does the issue referred to the expert include a claim for damages arising from some breach of contract that has already occurred ? ( 2 ) Is the issue the expert is called on to determine essentially what amount of money one side owes the other , and when that sum is payable ? ( 3 ) Is there likely to be a delay in obtaining the expert 's decision on the amount payable ?
8 Within English itself there was already some awareness of the need to ensure that the discipline could touch the student of science : " The student of the physical and social sciences is not a disembodied intelligence , and he too can gain much from that purifying of the emotions which is still one of the most valuable gifts of the literary artist to posterity .
9 In general the more complex the legal structure chosen the more important will be the need to ensure that the design and operation of the financial management systems are sound .
10 The reference to specific information only , can be best explained by the need to ensure that the definition of inside information is not so wide as to include legitimate research undertaken by investment analysts .
11 Judicial review of the exercise of discretionary powers by administrative bodies has been self-consciously based on the need to ensure that the intention of the legislature is implemented and that discretionary power is subjected to some sort of control in the name of the Rule of Law .
12 Such a formulation would require those asking the questions to confront the real problems : the need to understand that the aspiration to the exercise of democratic right and the discharge of democratic responsibility must arise from those who would exercise the right and discharge the responsibility and is not to be thrust upon those who do not want it or induced in those who are indifferent to it ; the need for a form of organisation such that the interests of ownership and labour would be congruent ; and the need to recognise that since accountability , above all , is the test of authentic democracy , then by that same test there will be some circumstances in which the general case for industrial democracy is over-ridden .
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